(Bloomberg) — Acciona SA, a Spanish energy developer,
expects to spend $500 million building wind and solar power
plants in Chile after receiving contracts to deliver 600
gigawatt-hours of electricity a year to distributors.
The company is planning 225 megawatts of renewable-power
projects that must go into service in 2018, Alcobendas, Spain-based Acciona said today in an e-mailed statement. The contracts
run for 15 years.
Chile awarded power contracts through a Dec. 12 auction.
Other recipients included GDF Suez SA, which expects to invest
$1.7 billion for a power plant and transmission lines, and
Electricite de France SA.
To contact the reporter on this story:
Vanessa Dezem in Sao Paulo at
To contact the editors responsible for this story:
Reed Landberg at
Will Wade, Jim Efstathiou Jr.