BlackRock-Backed REG Buys Turbines, Doubles U.K. Capacity

(Bloomberg) — Renewable Energy Generation Ltd., the wind-turbine maker backed by BlackRock Inc., said Gamesa Corp.
Tecnologica SA will supply it with turbines for five U.K. wind
farms, more than doubling its capacity in the country.

Spain’s biggest wind-turbine manufacturer will install 19
turbines at sites from south Wales and the Midlands to northern
U.K. for a combined capacity of 38 megawatts, REG said Wednesday
in an e-mail. The facilities, costing 48 million pounds ($74
million), are expected to start working within 18 months and
will raise the developer’s onshore wind capacity in the U.K. to
73 megawatts.

The company plans to increase its portfolio of operating
wind, solar and bio-energy projects to about 300 megawatts over
the next three years. REG in 2013 entered into a partnership
with BlackRock to sell projects to the asset manager and also
manage facilities on its behalf.

To contact the reporter on this story:
Louise Downing in London at

To contact the editors responsible for this story:
Reed Landberg at
Randall Hackley, Tony Barrett

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