Dec. 2 (Bloomberg) — Broadwind Energy Inc., a maker of
steel towers and other components for wind farms, won a $9
million order from an unidentified U.S. turbine manufacturer.
Broadwind, based in Cicero, Illinois, will produce the
towers at its factory in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, for delivery next
year, according to a statement today.
“We are nearing the end of 2014 with a solid backlog of
tower orders that sets us up with a nice growth trajectory in
2015,” Chief Executive Officer Peter Duprey said in the
The company is expected to reach almost $250 million in
sales this year and will surpass $260 million in 2015, according
to the average estimate of analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.
To contact the reporter on this story:
Justin Doom in New York at
To contact the editors responsible for this story:
Reed Landberg at
Jim Efstathiou Jr., Steven Frank