January 23 2015

India clean energy investments bounce back, set to breach the $10bn mark in 2015

Capital inflow expected to surge this year, thanks to strong policy support and increased investor confidence New Delhi, London and New York, 23 January 2015 – Clean energy investments in India jumped to $7.9bn in 2014, helping the country maintain its position as the 7th largest clean energy investor in the world. The upswing was […]

January 22 2015

US wind new build makes substantial rebound in 2014 – seeing a six-fold increase in installations in one year

China still dominates global wind market installing over 40% of all new capacity worldwide ** Please note that figures in relation to Germany have been amended since the press release was issued, to reflect new information. ** New York, London, 22 January – America’s wind installations grew six-fold in 2014, making the United States the […]

January 9 2015

Rebound in clean energy investment in 2014 beats expectations

Surges in investment in offshore wind in Europe, and solar in China and the US, helped to drive the 2014 global clean energy total up 16% to $310bn London and New York, 9 January – World clean energy investment rebounded strongly in 2014, boosted by demand for large-scale and rooftop solar photovoltaics on the back […]

December 22 2014

Oil price plunge and clean energy – The real impact

The 45% fall in oil prices is being portrayed as a big blow to clean energy deployment. In fact, its impact will vary by sector and region, but will be modest in major electricity markets where renewables compete with gas and coal, and benefit from stable policy support London and New York, 22 December – […]

November 18 2014

There is a cost-comparable alternative to Turkey’s “dash for coal”

Analysis shows that prioritising renewables would deliver the power that this growing economy needs while also limiting emissions and exposure to commodity prices London and New York, 18 November – The government of Turkey could achieve its aims of expanding electricity supply to meet the needs of a growing economy, and reducing dependence on imported […]

November 4 2014

Energia solar estréia no Brasil com grande contratação a preço recorde

Preços negociados no leilão são um dos menores já vistos para energia solar no mundo; retorno para investidores provavelmente estará limitado a cifra de um dígito São Paulo, 4 de novembro de 2014 – Ofertas agressivas marcaram o primeiro leilão específico para energia solar no Brasil, que aconteceu na sexta-feira, 31 de outubro, resultando na […]

November 4 2014

Solar energy makes landfall in Brazil at record-setting low price

Auction prices are some of the lowest ever recorded for solar energy; Investors’ returns probably squeezed to single-digits São Paulo, 4 November 2014 – Extremely aggressive bidding at Brazil’s first-ever specific auction for solar power, held on Friday, 31 October, resulted in the awarding of 890MW AC capacity (1,048MW – total capacity) of contracts at […]

October 28 2014

Climatescope 2014 – Global study shows clean energy activity surges in developing world

China, Brazil and South Africa show wide diversity of clean energy investment opportunities London, Washington D.C., 28 October 2014 – Developing nations represent a large and rapidly growing share of the world’s clean energy investment, according to Climatescope 2014, a landmark study released today. The results suggest renewable technologies can be just as cost-competitive in […]

October 20 2014

A multibillion dollar opportunity – Service for wind farms in China

Operations and maintenance, or O&M, work on China’s huge and growing fleet of wind farms is on course to be a $3bn-a-year market by 2022 Hong Kong and London, 19 October – China is the world’s largest wind market with more than 100GW of wind capacity, equivalent to about 65,000 turbines, and is currently adding […]

October 14 2014

As US renewable energy industry changes, top-ranked EPC firms will need to adapt to keep pace

  New report looks at US renewable energy construction trends, ranks companies by experience New York, 14 October 2014 – With US renewable energy capacity (excluding hydropower) expected to double by 2021, the firms that provide engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) services for solar and wind projects will need to adapt to the economic realities […]


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