July 31 2012

BNEF Chief Editor Angus McCrone VIP Comment: wave and tidal stream – will it always be jam tomorrow?

WAVE AND TIDAL STREAM - WILL IT ALWAYS BE JAM TOMORROW? By Angus McCrone Chief Editor Bloomberg New Energy Finance At Billia Croo on Orkney’s main island, off the north coast of Scotland, lush green fields slope down to the Atlantic, populated by plenty of well-fed cows and one utility-scale bull with a ring through its nose. More importantly, there is also a view unique in the world clean energy sector – three wave power devices, each very different in appearance, parked out at sea.

July 30 2012

2012 Solar Leadership Forum Results Book

Executive Summary The solar industry today is simultaneously troubled by the losses being incurred by manufacturers, and elated by the opening and growth of new markets for cheap solar panels. Bloomberg New Energy Finance convened its 2012 Solar Leadership Forum in tropical Singapore, a hub of the new south-east Asian frontier for both solar manufacturing and project development. We brought together 56 industry participants representing 11 countries, and including manufacturers, project developers and financiers, sovereign wealth funds and development agencies. The aim was to work with the Thought Leaders to explore and distill what can be done to expand the solar industry and bring it back into profit.

July 20 2012

Q2 2012 Clean Energy Policy & Market Briefing, prepared for Clean Energy Solutions Center

Small solar plays big role in sustaining Q2 investment New clean energy investment rebounded 24% to $56bn in Q2 2012 from an abysmal first quarter of the year, thanks largely to the growing market for small-scale photovoltaic (PV) systems. Plummeting renewable energy equipment costs showed signs of stabilising, at least temporarily, for the first time in several years. And policy-makers in the EU continued scaling back subsidies just as their counterparts in Japan were stepping up support for the sector. In this second edition of the Clean Energy Policy & Market Briefing, Bloomberg New Energy Finance highlights Q2 2012's key trends and policy developments.

June 28 2012

BNEF Chief Executive Michael Liebreich VIP Comment: here comes the “rest of the world”

HERE COMES THE "REST OF THE WORLD" It is almost the half-way mark in 2012, and time to take stock of how the year is progressing so far for clean energy. We all knew this would be a difficult 12 months for the sector, with subsidies under pressure, extraordinarily cheap natural gas in the US, the European financial crisis continuing, and investors feeling bruised.

June 25 2012

Open Source software and crowdsourcing for energy analysis

Executive Summary Informed energy decision making requires effective software, high-quality input data, and a suitably trained user community. Developing these resources can be expensive and time consuming. Even when data and tools are intended for public re-use they often come with technical, legal, economic and social barriers that make them difficult to adopt, adapt and combine for use in new contexts.

June 19 2012

Sunset Credits – a tool for removing fossil fuel subsidies

Executive Summary Sunset Credit schemes offer an innovative approach to removing fossil fuel subsidies, avoiding the risk of popular discontent, while at the same time attracting investment for renewable energy and energy efficiency.

June 18 2012

Climatescope 2012 – Assessing the climate for climate investing in Latin America and the Caribbean

The Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Development Bank and Bloomberg New Energy Finance score 26 nations on their relative ability to foster low-carbon energy growth.

June 18 2012

Extraordinary popular solution: funding from crowds?

Executive Summary “Crowdfunding” allows early-stage companies, projects, and artistic ventures in the US to attract financing from the masses over the Internet and provides developing world microfinance initiatives a new avenue to secure capital. To date, crowdfunding has provided more than $500m for enterprises or ideas normally unable to raise money even from venture investors by aggregating funds from thousands of motivated and unaccredited individual investors. With the recent passage in the US of the JOBS Act, this novel method of financing stands to grow rapidly. Given the often small, distributed nature of clean energy development, a small, distributed financing model holds real potential though there are potential pitfalls as well.

June 15 2012

The cost of meeting a 30% GHG reduction target in Europe – slide pack

This slide pack presents more details of the analysis underlying the publication of our report “The Cost of Meeting a 30% Emission Reduction Target in Europe” on 26 April 2012.

June 11 2012

Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2012

Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2012 is the fifth edition of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report. Based on data from Bloomberg New Energy Finance, it has become the standard reference for global clean energy investment figures. The report can be downloaded from http://fs-unep-centre.org/publications/global-trends-renewable-energy-investment-2012


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