June 7 2012

VIP Comment: exchange rates could be next monster to test clean energy investors

Exchange rates could be next monster to test clean energy investors In the film Jurassic Park, the park warden Robert Muldoon, played by Bob Peck, focuses on the movement of one escaped velociraptor so completely that he fails to notice a second creeping up beside him. “Clever girl!” he says, as he finally turns and sees the threat. These are his last words before being munched.

May 31 2012

Developing Dimension: State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2012

Executive Summary A Report by Ecosystem Marketplace & Bloomberg New Energy Finance State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2012: Developing Dimension is the sixth annual report created to shed light on trading volumes, credit prices, project types, locations, and the motivations of buyers voluntarily purchasing carbon offsets. Findings are based on data voluntary reported by 312 offset suppliers, seven exchanges, and all major registries.

May 24 2012

Re-imagining US solar financing, a report commissioned by Reznick Group

Executive Summary US solar projects have historically been bankrolled by some combination of energy sector players, banks, and the federal government, but the landscape is rapidly changing. New business models are emerging with an emphasis on third-party financing. New investors, including institutional players, are entering. And new financing vehicles such as project bonds and other securities are being assembled to tap the broader capital markets. This report, commissioned by Reznick Group and undertaken by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, describes the ongoing evolution of US solar financing: where the market is today, where it is heading, and what’s behind this important transition.

May 16 2012

Re-considering the economics of photovoltaic power, a co-authored White Paper on PV economics

Executive Summary The authors briefly consider the recent dramatic reductions in the underlying costs and market prices of solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, and their implications for decision-makers. In many cases, current PV costs and the associated market and technological shifts witnessed in the industry have not been fully noted by decision-makers. The perception persists that PV is prohibitively expensive, and still has not reached „competitiveness‟. The authors find that the commonly used analytical comparators for PV vis a vis other power generation options may add further confusion. In order to help dispel existing misconceptions, the authors provide some level of transparency on the assumptions, inputs and parameters in calculations relating to the economics of PV. The paper is aimed at informing policy makers, utility decision-makers, investors and advisory services, in particular in high-growth developing countries, as they weigh the suite of power generation options available to them.

May 11 2012

Bloomberg New Energy Finance 2012 Summit Results Book

A special publication documenting the 2012 Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit, which took place in New York from 19 to 21 March.

May 3 2012

BNEF Chief Editor Angus McCrone VIP Comment: memo to policy-makers: re-charge the development banks

Memo to policy-makers: re-charge the development banks Could one answer to the clean energy financing shortage in Europe be hiding right under the noses of the region’s policy-makers? The question is pressing because blockages in the supply of loans from European Union banks are posing one of the biggest threats to clean energy investment this year – particularly in Europe but also to some extent elsewhere, given the large role that EU banks have traditionally played in renewable energy on the other side of the Atlantic.

May 2 2012

Q1 2012 Clean Energy Policy & Market Briefing, prepared for Clean Energy Solutions Center

Policy pullbacks, weak economies, market oversupply slow Q1 investment Prepared by Bloomberg New Energy Finance for the Clean Energy Solutions Center, an initiative of the Clean Energy Ministerial.

April 26 2012

The cost of meeting a 30% emission reduction target in Europe

Executive Summary Current European Union policy sets out targets and mechanisms to achieve a 20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels by 2020. In recent years however there have been strong calls for increasing this target to 30%, with deeper cuts beyond 2020.

April 23 2012

UK big 6 utility investment trends: for Greenpeace UK, the generation investments of the big 6

Executive Summary Energy prices in the UK are a political hot potato, with front pages pointing the finger at geopolitics and rising Asian demand, green energy policies and company profits. As a result, the Big 6 energy suppliers have come under heightened scrutiny, in particular over their profitability and spending on new capacity. This report analyses the Big 6's investment choices in the light of their financial situation and the implications for the UK government's aim to source 30% of electricity from renewables by 2020.

April 12 2012

Who’s Winning The Clean Energy Race? 2011 Edition

Executice Summary Companies and countries have experienced ups and downs in the worldwide clean energy race in recent years, and 2011 was no exception. For consumers, however, the clean energy race has been consistently positive, driving down prices and interjecting new renewable energy choices into a marketplace dominated by century-old technologies. Price competition is the defining characteristic of the clean energy race in 2011, spurring investment and deployment, increasing global clean energy capacity, and creating opportunities for innovators, entrepreneurs, and workers.


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