April 5 2012

BNEF Chief Executive Michael Liebreich’s VIP Comment: it’s the politics, stupid

Locating the fifth Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit in New York last week offered two big advantages. One was being at the heart of capitalism because, despite the economic turmoil of the past few years, it will still be private capital that delivers the wherewithal for the world’s shift to clean energy. The other was that it forced the event to focus on the biggest challenges and most difficult markets in clean energy in 2012.

February 29 2012

Weak demand takes the bite out of the British capacity crunch

Executive Summary This latest analysis by Bloomberg New Energy Finance shows that weak power demand, high levels of new build and life extensions for nuclear plants will mean that the UK should be able to keep the lights on the rest of this decade.

February 17 2012

2011 European Power Leadership Forum – The Results Book

Executive Summary The European power industry is faced with a daunting set of challenges as it works to meet the sometimes conflicting policy objectives of decarbonisation, market integration and security of supply while keeping prices reasonable for the consumer. The industry is committed to delivering on these objectives and believes that it can do so given a well designed, consistent and stable policy framework across Europe.

February 17 2012

Moving towards a next-generation ethanol economy report

Executive Summary The world has a unique opportunity to develop a next-generation bioproduct industry in the next two decades. There could be major benefits in terms of job creation, the economy, reduction of greenhouse gases and energy security. The regular supply of agricultural residue can underpin the development of this industry. It is a resource that can be sustainably harvested without altering current agricultural land use patterns. In supplementing food production, this resource theoretically can be turned into a variety of bioproducts from transport fuels to chemicals and plastics.

February 17 2012

Moving towards a next-generation ethanol economy – executive summary

Executive Summary The world has a unique opportunity to develop a next-generation bioproduct industry in the next two decades. There could be major benefits in terms of job creation, the economy, reduction of greenhouse gases and energy security. The regular supply of agricultural residue can underpin the development of this industry. It is a resource that can be sustainably harvested without altering current agricultural land use patterns. In supplementing food production, this resource theoretically can be turned into a variety of bioproducts from transport fuels to chemicals and plastics.

January 17 2012

2011 BNEF Clean Energy & Energy Smart Technologies League Tables – The Results

Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) Clean Energy & Energy Smart Technology League Tables are the most transparent and comprehensive benchmarks for identifying active clean energy investors, project financiers, investment banks and law firms.

November 21 2011

The return – and returns – of tax equity for US renewable projects

Executive Summary Tax credits are likely to again become the most important subsidies supporting renewable project development in the US, as the Treasury cash grant is on the verge of expiring. This report, commissioned by Reznick Group and undertaken by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, depicts the outlook for US renewable financing in 2012 and delves into the economics of tax equity, focusing on the applications and comparative advantages of the various tax equity structures.

November 17 2011

Bloomberg New Energy Finance Global Renewable Energy Market Outlook

Executive Summary The Global Renewable Energy Market Outlook presents the latest forecasts from Bloomberg New Energy Finance on the future size of the world renewable energy markets. The projections extend to 2030 across all renewable energy technologies and regions. The analysis uses Bloomberg New Energy Finance's model of the global energy system and clean energy technologies – the Global Energy and Emissions Model –together with expert interpretation of current and proposed energy policies and targets.

November 9 2011

2011 Energy Smart Technologies Leadership Forum – The Results Book

Executive Summary Even in times of economic uncertainty, there is continued recognition of the need for a smarter energy system - one that manages demand as well as supply; that runs on clean, distributed energy as well as centralised generation; that integrates variable as well as dispatchable power, and that can move us from fossil-based to electric mobility.

November 4 2011

Including aviation in the EU ETS – the burning question

Executive Summary The potential inclusion of aviation in the European carbon trading scheme continues to be highly contentious with ongoing law suits and threats of trade sanctions. Amongst the war of words hugely varying figures have been produced on the possible financial impact on the aviation sector. This Research Note reviews the evidence to date and provides an independent assessment of the likely effects on the industry.


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