September 26 2011

Global Trends In Renewable Energy Investment 2011 Report

Foreword from Achim Steiner, UNEP Executive Director Investments in renewable energies, from wind and solar power to geothermal and waste-into-energy, continuedtheir remarkable growth in 2010.

September 5 2011

Have Developed Nations Broken Their Promise On $30bn ‘Fast-Start’ Finance?

Annex I parties have been accused of not delivering the $30bn of new and additional 'fast-start finance' over 2010-12 to developing countries – as agreed in the Cancun Agreements. Any trust deficit could have an impact on progress at COP17 in Durban in December. But there is no 'go-to' source of reliable and comprehensive information on whether developed countries have fulfilled their commitments on fast-start finance.

August 31 2011

Towards A Green Climate Finance Framework

COP 16 in Cancun did not end in deadlock contray to most people's expectations. Instead, it saw agreement on the creation of a Green Climate Fund to manage 'a significant portion' of the funding committed in Copenhagen.

August 31 2011

2011 Bioenergy Leadership Forum Results Book

The Bioenergy Leadership Forum event gathered influential executives from bioenergy, technology, policy, finance, oil and agricultural spectrums to critically examine the state of play and how to really ignite the sector’s future.

August 16 2011

European REC Service Long Term Outlook

Executive Summary Renewable energy investments by their very nature are subject to political risk. This is especially true of the European REC markets, which since the last long-term update in March have been plagued by high levels of policy uncertainty. Italy has revised its REC scheme to that of a feed-in tariff by the end of 2015. The UK has announced that it also intends to change to a feed-in tariff, although green certificates will continue to trade until 2027. Romania and Poland are all considering amendments to their schemes and Sweden is preparing to link its scheme with Norway next year.

June 29 2011

2011 Roundtable Day On Energy Access & Climate Finance

Executive Summary The Bloomberg New Energy Finance Roundtable Day on Climate Finance and Energy Access, held in partnership with UN-Energy, took place in New York on 7 April 2011. It brought together over 150 Thought Leaders and Delegates from 30 countries, representing a full range of stakeholders working on climate and clean energy solutions globally: policymakers, negotiators, regulators, investors and executives from the energy and equipment supply industries.

June 28 2011

Global Corporate Renewable Energy Index 2011 (CREX)

Executive Summary The world’s largest corporations have become increasingly important in promoting the deployment of renewable energy sources across the globe. This report brings transparency to these corporate actions and ranks companies according to their voluntary renewable energy procurement over the last two years. The ranking is called the global Corporate Renewable Energy Index (CREX).

June 17 2011

Bloomberg New Energy Finance 2011 Summit Results Book

Foreword Welcome to our special publication documenting the Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit that took place in New York between 4 and 7 April 2011.

June 1 2011

State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets 2011: Back to the Future

Executive Summary For five years, Forest Trends’ Ecosystem Marketplace and Bloomberg New Energy Finance have published the State of the Voluntary Carbon Markets Reports to shed light on trading volumes, credit prices, project types, locations, and the motivations of buyers in this market. Every year’s marketplace seems more complex than the one before, as actors continually refine their programs, businesses, and investments in search of a more perfect future – for their projects and the planet.

April 27 2011

2011 Solar Leadership Forum – The Results Book

Foreword Welcome to this special publication documenting the first Solar Leadership Forum, held at the Carneros Inn in Napa, California 2-3 February 2011.


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