August 11 2010

Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2010 Report

Foreword The sustainable energy investment story of 2009 was one of resilience, frustration and determination.

July 29 2010

Liebreich: The Real Story Behind China’s Lead Role in Clean Energy Investment in 2010

By Michael Liebreich Chief Executive Bloomberg New Energy Finance A month ago, we discussed in these pages Chinese solar equipment maker Yingli’s global sponsorship of the World Cup, putting it alongside the likes of Budweiser, Adidas and Sony along the touchlines during the tournament. Did Yingli’s $20-30m spend represent a bold long-term investment in the […]

July 29 2010

Liebreich: The Real Story Behind China’s Lead Role in Clean Energy Investment in 2010

By Michael Liebreich Chief Executive Bloomberg New Energy Finance A month ago, we discussed in these pages Chinese solar equipment maker Yingli’s global sponsorship of the World Cup, putting it alongside the likes of Budweiser, Adidas and Sony along the touchlines during the tournament. Did Yingli’s $20-30m spend represent a bold long-term investment in the company’s brand or an act of pure hubris? Time will, of course, tell (and before we move on, congratulations Spain!) but there can no longer any doubt that China aims to be the dominant player in global clean energy over the next decade. Indeed, our latest figures indicate they are probably half way there already. This year, for the first time, Asia & Oceania (ASOC) will be the global leader in new private capital attracted, surpassing the Europe, Middle East & Africa region and the Americas – largely as a result of a colossal surge in clean energy investment in China in the past three years.

June 28 2010

Liebreich: Deepwater Horizon – Fossil Fuel’s Chernobyl?

By Michael Liebreich Chief Executive Bloomberg New Energy Finance Three months ago, I described the Magnificent Seven decadal themes that we expect to propel clean energy’s progress between now and 2020. One of them was the occurrence of “Black Swans”: unpredictable game-changing events that will transform the energy investment landscape for countries and companies. At […]

June 28 2010

Liebreich: Deepwater Horizon – Fossil Fuel’s Chernobyl?

By Michael Liebreich Chief Executive Bloomberg New Energy Finance Three months ago, I described the Magnificent Seven decadal themes that we expect to propel clean energy’s progress between now and 2020. One of them was the occurrence of “Black Swans”: unpredictable game-changing events that will transform the energy investment landscape for countries and companies.

May 27 2010

McCrone: Spain and Latin America Raise the Stakes on Feed-In Tariffs

By Angus McCrone Chief Editor Bloomberg New Energy Finance Sometimes it is more comfortable to be proved wrong than proved right. When we published analysis last summer warning that the feed-in tariff regimes in Germany, Italy and – particularly – Spain might prove an expensive way of achieving additional renewable energy capacity, we did so […]

May 27 2010

McCrone: Spain and Latin America Raise the Stakes on Feed-In Tariffs

By Angus McCrone Chief Editor Bloomberg New Energy Finance Sometimes it is more comfortable to be proved wrong than proved right. When we published analysis last summer warning that the feed-in tariff regimes in Germany, Italy and – particularly – Spain might prove an expensive way of achieving additional renewable energy capacity, we did so in the knowledge that it would not be a welcome message for many in the industry.

May 17 2010

Joined at the hip: the US-China clean energy relationship

Executive Summary The US – China relationship is the most important bilateral engagement in the world today, as the two countries engage on issues of commerce, currency, and their respective roles in international relations. In recent years, another aspect has entered the dynamic: the future of clean energy policy, manufacturing, technology, deployment, and trade.

April 26 2010

Liebreich: Strong Tailwinds, but Clean Energy Share Prices Remain Becalmed

By Michael Liebreich Chief Executive Bloomberg New Energy Finance Since the end of last year, the news flow in the clean energy sector has been predominantly positive, yet share prices have remained becalmed. Since the disappointment of the Copenhagen COP 15 meeting last year, the policy emphasis has continued to shift from carbon to renewable […]

March 31 2010

Liebreich: A Large Number of Small Steps Can a Low-Carbon Revolution Make

By Michael Liebreich Chief Executive Bloomberg New Energy Finance The third Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit, which took place this month, was a great opportunity to take a step back from day-to-day concerns, consider how much progress the clean energy sector has made in the last decade, and reflect on where it is likely to […]


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