October 22 2009

Liebreich: Inlfation, Deflation and the Implications for Clean Energy

By Michael Liebreich Chairman and CEO New Energy Finance As investors around the world in all sectors – not just clean energy and carbon – try to work out how to play the recovery, they are facing their deepest quandary for decades. Will “quantitative easing”, near-zero interest rates and spiralling government deficits result in a nasty bout of inflation, or will record consumer debt burdens, rapid corporate and bank deleveraging, enforced fiscal responsibility and over-capacity in exporting economies sink the world into a deflationary spiral? It seems almost foolish to believe that the economy can bounce back from its near-death experience and pull off a “Goldilocks” recovery – neither too hot nor too cold. Yet in the clean energy sector, that appears to be exactly what people are hoping for: a return to the pre-2008 “norm”, with low inflation, fast economic growth and buoyant consumer spending and bank credit.

September 1 2009

Liebreich: Feed-In Tariffs – Solution or Time-Bomb?

By Michael Liebreich Chairman and CEO New Energy Finance As the first of $163bn worth of promised stimulus spending starts to soak into the parched ground of the world’s clean energy industry, attention is shifting back to the perennial question of the policy mechanisms required to drive the roll-out of renewable energy over the longer […]

September 1 2009

Liebreich: Feed-In Tariffs – Solution or Time-Bomb?

By Michael Liebreich Chairman and CEO New Energy Finance As the first of $163bn worth of promised stimulus spending starts to soak into the parched ground of the world’s clean energy industry, attention is shifting back to the perennial question of the policy mechanisms required to drive the roll-out of renewable energy over the longer term.

May 27 2009

New Energy Finance Summit: The Book 2009

A special publication documenting the 2009 Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit, which took place in London from 4 to 6 March.

April 23 2009

McCrone: Will the Cavalry Come Over the Hill?

By Angus McCrone Chief Editor New Energy Finance So now we know how bad it is. The clean energy sector was in deep hibernation through the winter months, with investment levels sharply down in asset finance, venture capital and private equity, and – most dramatically of all – in the public markets. New Energy Finance’s […]

April 23 2009

McCrone: Will the Cavalry Come Over the Hill?

By Angus McCrone Chief Editor New Energy Finance So now we know how bad it is. The clean energy sector was in deep hibernation through the winter months, with investment levels sharply down in asset finance, venture capital and private equity, and – most dramatically of all – in the public markets.

March 26 2009

Liebreich: Is It Right to Feel Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Even Both?

By Michael Liebreich Chairman & CEO New Energy Finance We were delighted to welcome so many of you to the second New Energy Finance Summit in London earlier this month. If there was one single over-riding question, it was whether or not it was justifiable to feel optimistic about the state of the world, and […]

March 26 2009

Liebreich: Is It Right to Feel Optimistic, Pessimistic, or Even Both?

By Michael Liebreich Chairman & CEO New Energy Finance We were delighted to welcome so many of you to the second New Energy Finance Summit in London earlier this month. If there was one single over-riding question, it was whether or not it was justifiable to feel optimistic about the state of the world, and about clean energy and the carbon markets in particular.

February 19 2009

McCrone: Last Into Recession, but Can Clean Energy also Be the First Out?

By Angus McCrone Chief Editor New Energy Finance Is the clean energy sector in recession? There is no doubt that much of the rest of the world economy is – every day seems to bring grimmer and grimmer figures, one of the latest being that Japan’s economy contracted by an extraordinary 3.3% in the last […]

February 19 2009

McCrone: Last Into Recession, but Can Clean Energy also Be the First Out?

By Angus McCrone Chief Editor New Energy Finance Is the clean energy sector in recession? There is no doubt that much of the rest of the world economy is – every day seems to bring grimmer and grimmer figures, one of the latest being that Japan’s economy contracted by an extraordinary 3.3% in the last […]


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