June 19 2018

Batteries boom enables world to get half of electricity from wind and solar by 2050

Coal to shrink to just 11% of global electricity generation by mid-century, from 38% now, as comparative costs shift heavily in favor of wind, solar and batteries    London and New York, June 19, 2018 – Wind and solar are set to surge to almost “50 by 50” – 50% of world generation by 2050 […]

June 1 2018

Vattenfall sees data centers as expanding battery market: Q&A

Data centers will become a “big market for batteries”, increasing over the next five years as operators prioritize power security and look to cut their environmental footprint. So said Sebastian Gerhard, director of batteries within Vattenfall AB’s solar and battery unit, in an interview with BNEF. The Swedish utility is speaking to data center owners about […]

May 29 2018

Liebreich: Vicar of Bray or Sunset Ride – Oil & Gas Faces a Decision

By Michael Liebreich Senior Contributor  Bloomberg New Energy Finance During the second half of the nineteenth century, Manaus, the capital of Brazil’s Amazonas state, was one of the wealthiest cities in the world. “If one rubber baron bought a vast yacht,” recounted one historian, “another would install a tame lion in his villa, and a […]

April 30 2018

McCrone: Warp Speed to More Storage, Less Dark Energy, Summit 2018

By Angus McCrone Senior Editor Bloomberg New Energy Finance Veterans of Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s Future of Energy Summits could have been forgiven for wondering whether sometime in the last decade they stepped into a parallel universe. Who would have guessed in 2008, at the very first Summit, that at the equivalent event 10 years […]

April 30 2018

Wind, Solar to Dominate Growth of Energy Generation: Q&A

By Richard Stubbe, Bloomberg New Energy Finance editor. This article first appeared on the Bloomberg Terminal and is available to clients here. Texas is the leading U.S. state for wind energy, and Dallas-based Tri Global Energy LLC is the state’s leading developer, according to the American Wind Energy Association. Tri Global had 3.1 gigawatts under construction or […]

April 16 2018

Centrica Sees Solar-Battery Arbitrage in Future: Q&A

By Bryony Collins, Bloomberg New Energy Finance editorial team. This article first appeared on the Bloomberg Terminal and is available to BNEF clients on the web. Centrica Plc has an “imperative to change” and is repurposing its business structure with a greater emphasis on the consumer and providing grid services, in response to the ongoing shift in […]

April 11 2018

Giant Moroccan Solar Park Takes Top Spot in Subdued First Quarter

Clean energy investment was $61.1 billion in the first quarter of 2018, down 10% year-on-year but there were pockets of strength, mainly in developing economies. London and New York, April 10, 2018 – Developing countries were prominent in clean energy investment in the first three months of 2018, with China once again accounting for more […]

April 9 2018

Shell Sees ‘Commercial Business’ in Lighting Up Africa: Q&A

By Bryony Collins, Bloomberg New Energy Finance editorial team. This article first appeared on the Bloomberg Terminal and is available to BNEF clients on the web. Royal Dutch Shell Plc sees the emergence of companies “with viable, commercial business models” for improving energy access in developing countries, an area that until recently was the realm of grant funding […]

April 4 2018

Intel Poised to Move in as Loads Move to Grid’s Edge: Q&A

By Richard Stubbe, Bloomberg New Energy Finance editorial team. This article first appeared on the Bloomberg Terminal. Consumers want smarter homes, utilities want improved network control, and that combination is going to change the electrical grid in a big way for the next few years, Mike Bates, general manager of energy at Intel Corp., said […]

March 28 2018

Tumbling Costs for Wind, Solar, Batteries Are Squeezing Fossil Fuels

Latest BNEF study of comparative costs worldwide shows an 18% improvement in the competitiveness of onshore wind and solar in the last year, and new and rapidly developing roles for batteries. London and New York, March 28, 2018 – Coal and gas are facing a mounting threat to their position in the world’s electricity generation […]


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