January 16 2018

Runaway 53GW Solar Boom in China Pushed Global Clean Energy Investment Ahead in 2017

World clean energy investment totalled $333.5 billion last year, up 3% from 2016 and the second highest annual figure ever, taking cumulative investment since 2010 to $2.5 trillion.  London and New York, January 16, 2018 – An extraordinary boom in photovoltaic installations made 2017 a record year for China’s investment in clean energy. This over-shadowed […]

November 28 2017

Rooftop PV Presents a $23 Billion Opportunity in India

New renewable energy projects will exceed fossil fuel build-out for the first time in 2017, and in the years thereafter London, Washington D.C. and Shanghai, November 28, 2017 – India will need to invest $23 billion over the next five years to meet its target for 2022 of 40GW of rooftop photovoltaics, according to a […]

November 28 2017

Climatescope: Solar Capacity Jumps by More Than Half in Developing Nations

Despite a down year for clean energy investment, 2016 photovoltaic capacity deployment scaled new heights in less developed countries: www.global-climatescope.org London, Washington D.C. and Shanghai, November 28, 2017 – New solar-powered generating capacity is growing at a crackling pace in emerging markets. The growth is fuelled by low-priced equipment and innovative new applications that are […]

November 14 2017

High Renewable Future in the UK and Germany to Create New Power Systems Flexibility Challenge

Bonn, 13 November 2017 – Economic tipping points mean renewable energy will account for over half of electricity generation by the mid-2020s in the UK and Germany. This comes as the cost of generating energy from wind and solar is expected to more than halve from today’s levels by 2040. This rapid growth in variable renewables […]

November 7 2017

Market for Digitalization in Energy Sector to Grow to $64BN by 2025

Digital technologies for fossil fuel operation and maintenance are big business today, but activity is shifting towards services for distributed renewables and the connected home.  London and New York, 7 November 2017 – New energy innovations will be centered on digital technologies and the strategic use of data, according to new research published today. A […]

November 6 2017

Efforts To Address Climate Through Clean Energy Lag in Emerging Markets

Two years post-Paris, Climatescope research from Bloomberg New Energy Finance highlights slowing investment from OECD countries and limited policy-making follow-through in non-OECD nations. London, Washington D.C. and São Paulo, November 6, 2017 – Two years since the signing of the Paris climate agreement and eight years after Copenhagen, countries on both sides of the rich-poor […]

October 5 2017

Oklahoma’s Wind Megaproject Boosts 3Q Clean Energy Investment

Firm third quarter suggests global clean energy investment for the whole of 2017 may slightly exceed 2016’s total of $287.5 billion London and New York, 5 October 2017 – Seven giant wind projects, each costing between $600 million and $4.5 billion, and spread between the U.S., Mexico, the U.K., Germany, China and Australia, helped global […]

September 13 2017

LNG Trade in 2017 to Grow Fastest Since 2011 on Low Prices, Lack of Nuclear Power and Rising Supply Capacity

BNEF sees LNG demand grow to 280MMtpa[1] this year and to 479MMtpa by 2030. However, new export projects across the U.S. and Australia could lead to supply overcapacity until 2024.  London, New York and Singapore, 13 September 2017 – Imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) will set a new record this year on the back […]

July 7 2017

Solar parks in U.A.E. boost global clean energy investment in 2Q

Second quarter of 2017 saw $64.8 billion invested in clean energy around the world, up 21% from 1Q this year, but down 12% compared to 2Q 2016 London and New York, 7 July 2017 – The financing of two huge photovoltaic projects in the United Arab Emirates helped to drive a recovery in global clean […]

July 6 2017

Electric Vehicles to Accelerate to 54% of New Car Sales by 2040

Tumbling battery prices mean that EVs will not just have lower lifetime costs, but will also be cheaper to buy than internal combustion engine cars in most countries by 2025-29. London and New York, 6 July 2017 – Electric vehicles will make up the majority of new car sales worldwide by 2040, and account for […]


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