June 4 2019

Bullard: China’s Hunger for Electric Vehicles is Driving Manufacturing

Globally, more than half of all new car sales will be electric by 2040, but that figure varies by region. In China, the world’s largest auto market, that figure will be closer to 70 percent.

June 4 2019

Three Shifts in Road Transport That Threaten to Disrupt Oil Demand

Road transport accounts for more than 40% of global oil demand. The industry’s growth has been responsible for more than half of total oil demand growth since 2000.

May 29 2019

Modi to Revamp India’s Energy, E-mobility Plan in New Term

Under Prime Minister Modi's watch, India has become a leader in renewable energy auctions and introduced several new initiatives in energy and electric mobility as well as for cleaner air.

May 28 2019

The Future of Downstream Oil

Oil demand is likely to exceed 100 million barrels per day (MMbd) in 2019, and almost all of this takes in the form of refined products such as gasoline and diesel.

May 13 2019

Which Way Up?

It’s been a volatile time in the world’s oldest carbon market. Jahn Olsen analyses what’s driving EU ETS prices and where things could end up for the remainder of Phase III.

May 3 2019

Spanish Election Hands the Biggest Win to Clean Energy

Spain's general election on April 28 resulted in no clear majority, but the result bodes well for decarbonization efforts in this booming renewables market.

May 2 2019

Women Leaders Chart a Path to a Clean Power System

Our jointly authored whitepaper with The Hawthorn Club, Global Trends in the Energy Transition, distills the views of 75 female leaders in the energy sector, from North America, Europe and Australia.

April 23 2019

How China is Looking to Create The Next Green Wave

China was nearly ten years late to the global green bond party, but when the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide did show up it certainly made an entrance.

April 23 2019

Bullard: Electric Car Price Tag Shrinks Along With Battery Cost

Choosing an electric car over its combustion-engine equivalent will soon be just a matter of taste, not a matter of cost.

April 15 2019

LNG Tankers Make Money as Offshore Storage, But Not Enough

LNG tankers can make a profit just sitting offshore at present because the spread between the price of gas for delivery next winter and month-ahead prices is so wide they can make a money from storage alone.


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