January 7 2016

Green Bonds: Debt capital markets and the low-carbon transition

In the past two years, green bonds have more than tripled in size – from $11B in 2013 to $36.6B in 2014. And the number is only growing thanks to wide-spread interest from the debt capital markets. This explosive growth did not go unnoticed at COP21 in Paris. At the OECD headquarters, Lenora Suki, Bloomberg’s […]

December 17 2015

Impact of tax credit extensions for wind and solar

See our five-year outlooks for wind and solar growth here. Congress is on the verge of a making a historic move today that will be a major boon for clean energy over the next five years and beyond. What’s potentially at stake: approximately $73bn in new investment and 8 million more households to be powered […]

December 9 2015

Distributed Solar and Storage Technology Roadmap

Distributed solar and storage could play a key role in reducing emissions, strengthening grid resilience and improving energy access. The future of these technologies is explored in this roadmap, commissioned by the Innovation for Cool Earth Forum (ICEF). The focus lies on solar and storage technologies for individual buildings and community microgrids (as opposed to […]

November 23 2015

CLIMATESCOPE 2015 – full report

This is the fourth edition of Climatescope, a unique country-by-country assessment, report and index, offering the clearest picture yet of clean energy in 55 emerging markets in Africa, Asia and Latin America & the Caribbean.

November 23 2015

CLIMATESCOPE 2015 – methodology

Methodology accompanying the fourth edition of Climatescope, a unique country-by-country assessment, report and index, offering the clearest picture yet of clean energy in 55 emerging markets in Africa, Asia and Latin America & the Caribbean.

November 23 2015

CLIMATESCOPE 2015 – press release

Press release accompanying the fourth edition of Climatescope, a unique country-by-country assessment, report and index, offering the clearest picture yet of clean energy in 55 emerging markets in Africa, Asia and Latin America & the Caribbean.

October 15 2015

UK Energy Efficiency Trends – October 2015

Energy Efficiency Trends is a quarterly report focused on the UK market, providing insight into non-residential energy efficiency. In this edition (Vol. 12) which reflects industry views for the second quarter of 2015, supplier confidence in the government’s management of energy efficiency hit an all-time low. With the dust barely settled on the UK general […]

October 13 2015

Liebreich State of the Industry Keynote – BNEF Regional Summits 2015

BNEF Chairman of the Advisory Board, Michael Liebreich gives his ‘state of the clean energy industry’ keynote at BNEF’s Future of Energy Regional Summits in London, October 2015 and in Shanghai, November 2015. Download the slides for London here. Download the slides for Shanghai here. Watch the London presentation here. Watch the Shanghai presentation here.

October 9 2015

Clean energy investment – Q3 2015 fact pack

The Americas stand out in solid Q3 for clean energy investment. See the related press release here. Contents: 1. Annual clean energy investment overview 2. Quarterly trends in clean energy: new investment 3. Quarterly trends in clean energy: funds in circulation 4. Clean energy indexes Download PDF

October 1 2015

How ambitious are the post-2020 targets?

Assessing the INDCs: comparing apples with oranges* Governments are slowly submitting their post-2020 targets, or INDCs in UN-speak. These targets will form the basis of any agreement to come out of COP21 in Paris. In this slide deck, we assess the relative level of ambition of the country pledges. *NOW UPDATED TO INCLUDE THE LATEST […]


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