May 10 2013

South Korea’s emissions trading scheme

South Korea will launch its emissions trading scheme in a little over 18 months. This White Paper, produced in cooperation with Ernst & Young, aims to contribute to the debate by assessing how the various design options will affect the price of carbon and the efficiency of the market.

April 30 2013

McCrone: Summit 2013 Discussed How to Avoid Energy’s Extinction Events

By Angus McCrone Chief Editor Bloomberg New Energy Finance Are you a mammal? Well, you clearly are – in a biological sense. And if you got as far as reading this article, the chances are that you are also a mammal in the metaphorical sense that I am about to describe.

April 18 2013

Who’s Winning The Clean Energy Race? 2012 Edition

About the report Who’s Winning the Clean Energy Race? 2012 Edition was developed for public informational and educational purposes. It is an update of Pew’s reports tracking 2009, 2010, and 2011 clean energy investment in the developed and developing countries that make up the Group of 20.

April 8 2013

How to solve the climate negotiation problem – it’s all relative

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The next milestone in the long-running climate negotiations is scheduled for 29 April – 3 May 2013 in Bonn, where it is hoped progress will be made on the way to renegotiating the Kyoto treaty by 2015. History to date however favours the pessimist – unless something changes to overcome the disagreements between the responsibilities of developed and developing countries. In this paper we present what we believe is a workable alternative based on the concept of “emissions intensity” in which emission targets are related to economic activity, rather than the current paradigm of absolute emission reductions for developed countries and little obligation on developing countries. Expressed in this way, targets can be agreed for all countries, not just developed countries. They would also be more flexible and give governments more control over achieving the targets. As such they would be more palatable to governments and voters alike, and real progress could be made.

April 4 2013

Mind the gap: Brazil’s looming transport fuel shortage

For decades, Brazil has sought energy security by growing its domestic light-vehicle fuel supply, largely through the promotion of sugarcane ethanol. Still, in the past two years, the nation's ethanol plants have operated below capacity as the country has imported greater quantities of gasoline. In the longer term, assuming Brazil's economy returns to stronger growth, circumstances are poised to change. Bloomberg New Energy Finance examines the 10-year supply and demand outlook for light-vehicle fuel and finds: ● Assuming Brazil's economy returns to strong growth, the country's demand for light-vehicle fuel will exceed its domestic supply by a minimum of 9bn litres of gasoline or 12bn litres of anhydrous ethanol per year by 2021.

March 28 2013

Turner: The Case for Intensity-Based Targets to Curb Climate Change

By Guy Turner Head of Economics & Commodity Research Bloomberg New Energy Finance Twitter: @guyturner To download the full VIP Brief in PDF format, click here.

March 19 2013

Renewable Reserves: Testing the concept for the US and Brazil

A report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, commissioned by BP Please click here to download the full report.

March 15 2013

Advantage America: The U.S.-China Clean Energy Technology Trade Relationship in 2011

ABOUT THE REPORT Advantage America: The U.S.-China Clean Energy Trade Relationship was developed for public informational and educational purposes. Underlying data for this report were compiled for Pew by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, the definitive source of insight, data and news on the transformation of the energy sector. A full description of the data sources and methodology employed in the development of this report can be found in the appendices.

March 15 2013

Q1 2013 Clean Energy Policy & Market Briefing, prepared for Clean Energy Ministerial

2012 clean energy investment sinks 11% to $269bn Total funds invested in clean energy globally slipped by 11% in 2012 to $268.7bn from a revised figure of $302.3bn in 2011. Policy uncertainty, market overcapacity, and tighter credit conditions in some nations were all to blame, but declining wind, solar, and other equipment costs also played a major role. Indeed, despite the significant investment drop, new clean energy generating capacity actually deployed appears to have risen in 2012.

March 14 2013

2012 Power Leadership Forum Results Book

This special publication documents the findings of the 2012 European Power Leadership Forum, hosted by Bloomberg New Energy Finance on 13-14 November in Königswinter, Germany. The Forum convened more than 50 thought-leading experts from across the European power industry, from utilities, technology and service companies, government bodies, finance providers and nongovernmental organisations.


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