April 3 2014

Big Green Bucket: towards a large-scale refinance facility for clean energy debt

Publicly-owned entities such as development banks, multilateral financial institutions and export credit agencies are originating over $100bn of clean energy-related loans per year ‒ and have lent more than $400bn cumulatively since 2007. This paper describes a potential large-scale facility – dubbed “Big Green Bucket” (BGB) – aimed at enabling up to $25bn per annum […]

March 18 2014

2020 California transport outlook

Californian fuel demand, and its vehicle fleet, will be reshaped in the coming six years through a combination of regulatory and economic factors. This change to its transport system will point to potential alterations in other Western economies.

February 5 2014

Sustainable Energy in America 2014 Factbook

This Factbook – researched and produced by Bloomberg New Energy Finance and commissioned by the Business Council for Sustainable Energy – offers a fresh look at the state of US energy along with the roles these new technologies and innovations now play. Its goal is to offer simple, easy-to-understand benchmarks on the contributions these new energy technologies are making today. It also provides information on finance and investment trends in clean energy resources.

January 15 2014

2013 BNEF Clean Energy & Energy Smart Technologies League Tables – The Results

Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) Clean Energy & Energy Smart Technology League Tables are the most transparent and comprehensive benchmarks for identifying active clean energy investors, project financiers, investment banks and law firms. The tables in this report cover deals across Asset Finance, M&A, Venture Capital / Private Equity and Public Markets that have been […]

December 20 2013

Q3 2013 Energy Efficiency Trends Report

Energy Efficiency Trends is published by Bloomberg New Energy Finance in conjunction with EEVS Insight, based on the results of a quarterly survey of UK non-domestic energy consumers. This edition is summary of efficiency activity in Q3 2013.

December 9 2013

How to attract new sources of capital to EU renewables

This White Paper records findings from Bloomberg New Energy Finance's Leadership Forum on long-term finance for clean energy projects, held just outside London on 21-22 November 2013.

November 26 2013

Bloomberg Carbon Risk Valuation Tool

In the last two years, the issue of ‘stranded assets’ has started to loom larger and larger, particularly in relation to the idea that climate change policy could induce the stranding of some conventional assets.

November 8 2013

Rwanda 100% clean energy access plan

Over 9m people in Rwanda, 83% of the population, do not have power. We give a scenario for how the country could affordably deliver 100% access with clean electricity. We analyse policy, capacity, costs and investor repayment of this scenario.

October 31 2013

World offsetting markets: can the patient be cured?

This White Paper identifies the causes of the sickness afflicting world offsetting markets – vast over-supply in relation to demand and, consequently, depressed prices - and asks whether there are any reasons to hope for a recovery.

October 21 2013

Tunnel vision: Thames Water and the London Tideway Tunnel

Bloomberg New Energy Finance analyses the largest wastewater project planned for in the UK since the Victorian era and explains why more work should be done to study the alternatives.


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