March 1 2013

2012 Bioenergy Leadership Forum Results Book

This special publication documents our 2012 Bioenergy Leadership Forum, Bloomberg New Energy Finance's annual gathering of influential thought leaders and decision-makers from across the global bioenergy sector.

February 27 2013

Liebreich: The New Energy ROI: Resilience, Optionality, Intelligence

By Michael Liebreich Chief Executive Bloomberg New Energy Finance Twitter: @MLiebreich In March 2005, in one of my first ever New Energy Finance VIP Comment articles, I wrote the following: “In 1934, Aldo Leopold, a young professor at the University of Wisconsin and one of the pioneering figures of the environmental movement, tried to recreate a prairie on a piece of disused farm-land. He discovered what countless others have discovered after him: that it is extremely difficult to design and assemble an ecosystem.

February 26 2013

Will Australia’s carbon price last? A 2013 update

Australia’s carbon price has now been in effect since 1 July 2012. Yet, with a change of government looking likely after the 14 September federal election, some believe it inevitable that the world’s newest carbon market will not last the distance. This White Paper updates our December 2011 analysis – Will Australia’s carbon price last? ● We estimate that there is only a 32% chance that Australia’s carbon price will be repealed after the 14 September federal election. The Coalition will have to win a majority in the House of Representatives and control enough votes in the Senate to successfully pass legislation through parliament to rescind the Clean Energy Act.

February 25 2013

US Biofuels in 2013: Stories to Watch

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Last year's headlines were all about high corn prices, brought on by the country's worst drought in 50 years. This year, the story of US biofuels can be boiled down to the collision of policies – with each other, and with reality.

February 20 2013

Financial regulation – biased against clean energy and green infrastructure?

Much has been written about the policies required to make clean energy attractive for investors: support mechanisms that are “long, loud and legal”, or that provide “TLC” (transparency, longevity and certainty). However, in many cases, even when supportive policies are in place, results have been mixed, with limited uptake unless risk-adjusted returns are extremely – some would say overly – generous. This White Paper identifies a number of areas in which the regulation of investment itself, rather than policy relating to underlying assets, companies or technologies, may be holding back the flow of investment.

February 19 2013

2012 Water Leadership Forum Results Book

Executive Summary Participants discussed the major challenges and opportunities facing the industry through panel discussions and interactive business simulations.

February 8 2013

2012 Energy Smart Technologies Leadership Forum Results Book

Executive Summary New technologies inspire hope of a more efficient, resilient and flexible energy system, able to cope with intermittent generation, distributed energy resources, growing demand and electrification of transport and heat. Bloomberg New Energy Finance convened the Energy Smart Technologies Leadership Forum in Amsterdam in November 2012 to develop insights into some of the challenges associated with bringing change to the energy sector through smart grid, distributed energy, demand response, energy efficiency, energy storage and electric vehicles from the perspective of the cities.

February 4 2013

2013 – Smoke Clears from the Battlefield: Many Casualties but Campaign Continues

The Battle of Borodino, immortalised by Leo Tolstoy in his epic novel War and Peace (or by Audrey Hepburn and Henry Fonda in the 1956 film classic, for you Americans) was the bloodiest battle of Napoleon’s invasion of Russia. Both sides took horrific casualties – 70,000 killed or injured among 250,000 participants on both sides. Napoleon won the battle but his troops were too exhausted to chase and destroy the Russian army. Although Borodino marked the high point of Napoleon’s Russian campaign, it also determined its ultimate failure. His Grand Army went on to occupy Moscow, but its eventual defeat, destruction and withdrawal was assured. As 2013 opens, the smoke is clearing from the energy sector’s equivalent of the Battle of Borodino.

January 31 2013

Sustainable Energy in America 2013 Factbook

This Factbook – researched and produced by Bloomberg New Energy Finance and commissioned by the Business Council for Sustainable Energy – offers a fresh look at the state of US energy along with the roles these new technologies and innovations now play. Its goal is to offer simple, easy-to-understand benchmarks on the contributions these new energy technologies are making today. It also provides information on finance and investment trends in clean energy resources.

January 16 2013

2012 BNEF Clean Energy & Energy Smart Technologies League Tables – The Results

Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) Clean Energy & Energy Smart Technology League Tables are the most transparent and comprehensive benchmarks for identifying active clean energy investors, project financiers, investment banks and law firms.


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