July 3 2019

Liebreich: We Need To Talk About Nuclear Power

Michael Liebreich Senior Contributor BloombergNEF We need to talk about nuclear. And I mean really talk, in a truth-and-reconciliation, moving-forward kind of way, not a let’s-all-shout-slogans-at-each-other, my-tribe-versus-your-tribe kind of way. Serious people are finally talking about decarbonizing national economies by mid-century, but such talk must be accompanied by credible plans – and no plan can […]

July 2 2019

This Self-Driving Electric Vehicle Happens to Fly: Q&A

“A drone is a self-driving electric vehicle that happens to fly,” DroneDeploy CEO Mike Winn said. “The hardware is getting better and the software is getting better and will be able to help our customers in new ways. The products are becoming smarter, they can fly farther, they can capture better data.”

June 26 2019

Iberdrola to Build Europe’s Largest Solar Farm

Iberdrola, one of the largest utilities in terms of renewable generation, is planning to build a 590 megawatt solar farm in Caceres, Spain.

June 25 2019

India Can ‘Leapfrog’ to an Electric Car Fleet: Q&A

The Indian company that is the world’s largest provider of street lighting says it has taken a “leap of faith” in preparing to install 10,000 electric vehicle charging stations in its home country in the next two years.

June 18 2019

Solar, Wind, Batteries To Attract $10 Trillion to 2050, But Curbing Emissions Long-Term Will Require Other Technologies Too

Low-cost renewables and batteries can put world on a path over the next decade compatible with 2 degrees Celsius. Staying on that path from the 2030s will be another challenge.

June 11 2019

Solar’s Hot New Thing Nears Production: Q&A

Oxford Photovoltaics a U.K. company developing solar cells that use a crystalline material called a perovskite to achieve higher conversion efficiency, says it is aiming to have a 250-megawatt-a-year production line operating by the end of 2020.

June 11 2019

Wind, Solar Neck and Neck in Green Power Deals This Year

Deals signed for 5.7 gigawatts of clean energy in 2019 so far, with 11 corporations signing power purchase agreements in May.

June 4 2019

Green Climate Fund to Commit $1.5B to $5B Yearly: Q&A

The Seoul-headquartered Green Climate Fund has approved $5 billion for about 100 green projects in developing countries over the last four years, in the form of debt, equity, grants or guarantees.

May 29 2019

Modi to Revamp India’s Energy, E-mobility Plan in New Term

Under Prime Minister Modi's watch, India has become a leader in renewable energy auctions and introduced several new initiatives in energy and electric mobility as well as for cleaner air.

May 22 2019

McCrone: Marry Institutional Cash to Developing World Green Power

Developing countries have been identifying wind and solar as a ticket to economic opportunity – ever since the levelized costs of generation from these green sources fell close to, or below, those of the cheapest fossil fuel alternatives.


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