February 5 2018

GE, Shell Drive Frontier Solar to New Heights

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. $819 million raised by pay-as-you-go solar start-ups Sustainable financing structures are work in progress Funding rounds announced by pay-go solar companies  Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Selling solar electricity kits to frontier-market households is turning from a philanthropic activity into a VC-backed industry that uses micro-finance, […]

February 5 2018

Solar-Plus-Storage Systems Are ‘Match Made in Heaven’: Q&A

By Richard Stubbe, Bloomberg New Energy Finance editor. This article first appeared on the Bloomberg Terminal.  The business of energy storage is growing surprisingly fast as battery systems get cheaper and utilities and other businesses find new ways to use them, said Andrew Oliver, chief technology officer for Renewable Energy Systems Americas Inc. RES, the […]

February 5 2018

Tesla Tapped by Australia Anew in Virtual Power Plant Plan

South Australia plans to roll out solar panels and Tesla Inc. batteries to at least 50,000 homes to form what its government says will be the world’s largest virtual power plant. Beginning with a trial of 1,100 public housing properties, 5 kilowatt solar panels and 13.5 kilowatt-hour Tesla Powerwall 2 batteries will be installed free […]

February 5 2018

The Cost of Crypto Is Turning Miners Towards Green Power

Vakhtang Gogokhia’s plan to extract cryptocurrencies from the netherworld of cyberspace relies on a strategy familiar to many old-school manufacturers who use a lot of energy — the cheaper the fuel, the better. That’s why Gogokhia, who heads a startup called Golden Fleece, put a cargo container with Chinese-built computers inside a dilapidated Soviet-era tractor […]

February 1 2018

How to Wreck the World’s Fastest-Growing Renewables Program

Soon after it began in 2011, South Africa’s renewable power program became the world’s fastest-growing. Almost $15 billion poured into clean energy in seven years, financing everything from wind farms to solar towers. New independent power producers mushroomed, signing electricity-purchase agreements with national utility Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd that were guaranteed by the government. Brian Molefe. […]

January 31 2018

Can France Mix Nuclear and Renewable Power?

France’s nuclear giant has a plan to survive the wave of renewable energy that’s sweeping aside old-fashioned utilities across Europe. First it needs to disprove the conventional wisdom about how reactors work. Electricite de France SA says its fleet of nuclear reactors aren’t just able to provide a steady stream of power, they’re flexible enough […]

January 23 2018

World’s Biggest Solar Players Say Trump’s Tariffs Could Have Been Worse

The world’s biggest solar panel manufacturers were expecting a bigger blow than the 30 percent tariff President Donald Trump slapped on U.S. imports. From China to Taiwan and South Korea, they’d been bracing themselves since October when the U.S. International Trade Commission recommended a 35 percent tariff. JinkoSolar Holding Co., the world’s largest producer of […]

January 23 2018

The Future of Mobility Has Arrived

As Bloomberg New Energy Finance gears up for its first Future of Mobility Summit in Palo Alto, Head of Research Albert Cheung and Strategic Lead for Transport Colin McKerracher reflect on how we got here. For those of us tracking the changes sweeping through the automotive industry, 2017 was the year when the ripples became […]

January 22 2018

Big Tech Is Buying More Clean Energy Than Ever in the Trump Era

Companies, led by tech giants including Apple Inc. and Facebook Inc., are snapping up more clean energy than ever, even as shifting environmental policies from the U.S. to Europe threaten the economics of renewable energy. Forty-three businesses signed long-term agreements for a record 5.4 gigawatts of clean power including solar and wind worldwide last year, […]

January 22 2018

Solar Boom in China Pushes Clean Energy Investment Higher

“2017 was a year where China led the pack and everyone else came a distant second, including the US, where we saw about $57 billion of investment compared to about $130 billion in China.” Ethan Zindler, Americas head for Bloomberg New Energy Finance, discusses clean energy investment trends with Bloomberg’s Julia Chatterley and Scarlet Fu on […]


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