This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal.
- 13 gigawatts of energy storage in U.S. interconnection queue
- FERC Order 841 will enable significant storage uptake
Energy storage capacity in U.S. wholesale markets’ interconnection queues
Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, all U.S. ISO/RTOs.
Energy storage plays only a niche role in U.S. wholesale markets but FERC’s Order 841 will make it easier for new energy storage projects to expand beyond their previous functions. Currently, U.S. wholesale markets have only 570 megawatts of commissioned energy storage capacity but the ruling should allow storage to provide a wider range of services in energy, capacity and ancillary service markets. While market operators have spent a lot of time reviewing the role of energy storage in U.S. wholesale markets, much work is still needed to comply with FERC Order 841. The upcoming changes will impact incumbent providers of these services who will now face increased competition.
BNEF clients can see the full report, “Energy Storage in U.S. Wholesale Markets”, on the Terminal or on web.
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