September 24 2018

Bullard: Why Power Companies Love Drones

This article first appeared on Bloomberg View and the Bloomberg Terminal. By Nathaniel Bullard There are already 170,000 small, unmanned aerial vehicles licensed in the U.S., and the Federal Aviation Administration predicts another half-million more of them to be airborne by 2022. Drones are everywhere, doing all sorts of things, including delivering hamburgers and beer to golfers. They’re taking group […]

September 17 2018

Japan’s Secondary Solar Market Showing Strength: Q&A

By Iain Wilson, Bloomberg NEF editor. This article first appeared on the Bloomberg Terminal.  Japan’s solar market growth is slowing slightly. Bloomberg NEF’s latest market outlook showed the country will probably add less solar capacity this year as large-sized, or mega, solar project development loses steam. But one area of heightened activity in solar is the secondary […]

September 13 2018

Liebreich: Planes, Trains and Automobiles – the Electric Remake

By Michael Liebreich Senior Contributor  Bloomberg NEF In my article this March entitled Beyond Three Thirds, The Road to Deep Decarbonization, I referred to the vast opportunities that beckon in clean energy and transportation beyond the core markets of wind, solar, batteries and electric vehicles. Today I want to take a deep dive into commercial […]

September 10 2018

Europe Must Harness Waste Heat to Be More Competitive: Q&A

By Ben Vickers, Bloomberg NEF Senior Editor. This article first appeared on the Bloomberg Terminal.  Europe’s manufacturers must recover and use waste heat to improve their competitiveness, according to Turboden, an Italy-based unit of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries that makes turbines driven by organic fluid and gases instead of water and steam. The benefits “include improving […]

September 4 2018

Highview Power CEO Cavada Ready to Fill Energy Gap: Q&A

By Richard Stubbe, Bloomberg NEF editor. This article first appeared on the Bloomberg Terminal.  Renewable sources like wind and solar keep increasing their share of the global electricity market, but something has to fill the gap when the wind’s not blowing and the sun’s not shining. That’s where storage is coming in, whether from lithium-ion […]

August 29 2018

BNEF Executive Forum: The Future of Energy and Mobility in India

A Bloomberg NEF (BNEF) event, in partnership with BNEF’s first Executive Forum was held in Delhi on July 6, 2018, with a focus on disruption in the energy and transport industries. The event, hosted by Jon Moore, CEO of BNEF, convened thought leaders and CEOs from India’s leading oil, gas, power, auto and technology companies […]

August 20 2018

Only Power Demand Could Constrain Pakistan Renewables: Q&A

By Vandana Gombar, Bloomberg NEF editor. This article first appeared on the Bloomberg Terminal.  Pakistan’s swing towards renewable energy is “irreversible”, Amjad Ali Awan, chief executive officer of Pakistan’s Alternative Energy Development Board, said in a phone interview. “Any government that comes to power cannot ignore the cost and other advantages of sustainable energy development,” […]

August 20 2018

Gombar: India’s War on Dirty Air Boosts Hope on Global Emissions

By Vandana Gombar Policy Editor Bloomberg NEF There is an ancient Indian fable about a bird with two distinct heads that do not always agree with each other. One head ends up plotting against the other after a dispute. Now imagine that two headed bird to be multi-headed, like a hydra: India’s energy policy sometimes […]

August 9 2018

Corporations Already Purchased Record Clean Energy Volumes in 2018, and It’s Not an Anomaly

A new report from Bloomberg NEF shows that corporations have already purchased 7.2GW of clean energy globally in 2018 through July, shattering the previous record of 5.4GW for the whole of 2017. Companies have now signed long-term contracts to purchase solar and wind in 28 markets, and the number of industries involved in clean energy […]

August 6 2018

Blockchains to Make Energy Trades More Liquid Says WePower: Q&A

By Bryony Collins, Bloomberg New Energy Finance editorial team. This article first appeared on the Bloomberg Terminal and is available to BNEF clients on the web. Digital ledgers, known as blockchains, will make trading in energy more liquid and enable developers to raise capital for projects by selling contracts for power at below-market rates, according to Nikolaj […]


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