November 1 2017

Emphasis on Coal Moves Japan in the Wrong Direction, Report Says

Written by Chisaki Watanabe. This article first appeared in Bloomberg News. Japan’s support for coal power is pushing against global trends and ignores the nation’s advantages in clean-energy technology, according to a report released Wednesday. The country is unique among Group of Seven members for its plans to add domestic coal-generation capacity and for providing […]

October 31 2017

U.S. Trade Panel Proposes Duties of Up to 35% in Solar Case

Written by Ari Natter. This article first appeared in Bloomberg News. Members of the U.S. International Trade Commission recommended tariffs on imported solar modules of up to 35 percent, as they discussed what remedies they would propose to President Donald Trump in a trade case that could upend the $29 billion U.S. solar industry. In […]

October 31 2017

Wu: Six Questions on Asia’s Energy Transition

By Justin Wu Head of Asia-Pacific  Bloomberg New Energy Finance Two years ago, when Bloomberg New Energy Finance held its first APAC Future of Energy Summit in Shanghai, the theme was the three “T”s – trade, technology and transition. On November 28-29, when we hold our latest Summit in the world’s most populous city, those […]

October 31 2017

Distributed Energy Software Is the Next Frontier

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Diversified industrials are developing new capabilities So-called Derms are emerging software-based technologies   Vendors have different distributed energy management capabilities  Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance.  Diversified industrials, such as ABB Ltd., General Electric Co., Schneider Electric SE, and Siemens AG, are actively […]

October 31 2017

Microsoft Is Getting Hungry for Fuel Cells

Written by Anna Hirtenstein. This article first appeared in Bloomberg News. Microsoft Corp. is moving to use fuel cells at its power-hungry server farms, saying the technology may double the efficiency of energy used. The software company is testing how it can use the devices to generate electricity and plans to install a 10-megawatt fuel […]

October 30 2017

The World’s Tiniest Power Market Will Leverage Big Data to Sell Solar

Written by Chris Martin. This article first appeared in Bloomberg Markets. It will be the world’s smallest electricity market. In mid-December, National Grid Plc will flip the switch on an automated trading system that pays hospitals and research facilities at the Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus to sell electricity from their onsite solar panels, batteries or […]

October 27 2017

Latest U.S. State to Offer Nukes a Lifeline Is Connecticut

Written by Jim Polson. This article first appeared in Bloomberg Markets. Connecticut took a step toward propping up nuclear energy on Thursday, wading into a national debate over how to keep aging reactors running that’s become so intense that even the Trump administration is weighing in. A bill passed Thursday and sent to Connecticut Governor […]

October 26 2017

Why Oil-Rich Gulf Arab Countries Are Turning to Renewables

Written by Fatma Abusief. This article first appeared in Bloomberg Markets.  Solar power is getting so cheap that even Gulf Arab states awash in crude oil are embracing the renewable resource. Their motive is as much to keep selling fossil fuels as it is to rein in their carbon emissions. With almost 30 percent of […]

October 26 2017

China’s Elon Musk Is Ready for His Star Turn

This article first appeared in Bloomberg News.  For decades, financial pundits in China have been placing Wang Chuanfu, the visionary green technology entrepreneur and chief executive officer of battery and electric vehicle maker BYD Co., at the doorstep of the pantheon of industrialists who dominate the global automotive industry. Nine years ago, mega-investor Warren Buffett […]

October 25 2017

Mapping China Renewables Curtailment and Coal Risks

The world’s largest power system will face serious challenges in the next few years. In the previous decade, spurred by rapid power demand growth, generous subsidies, and regional industrial competition, China over invested in new generation capacity. By the end of 2016, the national power market was oversupplied by 35%. China’s power generators, both renewable […]


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