June 26 2017

Henbest: Energy to 2040 – Faster Shift to Clean, Dynamic, Distributed

By Seb Henbest Lead author, New Energy Outlook Head of Europe, Middle East and Africa Bloomberg New Energy Finance In the last 10 days, I have been travelling around North America presenting to senior executives from energy companies, policy-makers and investors a long-term forecast for the world’s electricity system that would have been seen as […]

June 26 2017

A Look at Energy Markets After the First Five Months of Trump

As the White House kicks off “Energy Week,” here’s a look at how energy markets are faring so far this year — and how the Trump administration stands to change them: COAL: President Donald Trump has killed a stream-water protection rule that threatened to curb coal operations, directed the Interior Department to lift a moratorium […]

June 23 2017

Panasonic Joins Push to Put Photovoltaics on More Car Roofs

Panasonic Corp. sees the future of solar on car rooftops. The Osaka-based electronics maker has started producing a 180-watt array of solar cells that can be fixed to the roof of an automobile. In February, Panasonic announced that its photovoltaic module would be used on the roof of Toyota Motor Corp.’s latest Prius plug-in hybrid. […]

June 22 2017

First-of-Its-Kind Clean Coal Plant May Not Burn Coal at All

A first-of-its-kind “clean coal” power plant that utility owner Southern Co. spent years constructing in Mississippi may end up burning no coal at all — and instead just run like a natural gas generator. After years of delays and billions of dollars in cost overruns, Mississippi regulators on Wednesday called on Southern to work up […]

June 20 2017

Trump Power Study Riles Trade Groups Before It’s Released

Critics aren’t waiting for opening night to pan a Trump administration study on the U.S. power grid they believe will demonize renewable energy while promoting coal and nuclear generation. The report, ordered up by Energy Secretary Rick Perry and expected this month, will examine whether policies that favor wind and solar energy are accelerating the […]

June 20 2017

Texas Is Too Windy and Sunny for Old Energy Companies to Make Money

As attractive a renewable-energy concept as wind power is, it’s plagued by a fundamental flaw. It blows the most in the dead of night, precisely when there’s the least demand for electricity. That’s true for just about every wind-blown spot across the U.S., from the foothills of the Tehachapi Mountains in California to the coastal […]

June 19 2017

Bullard: Investing Trillions in Electricity’s Sunny Future

This article first appeared on Bloomberg View and the Bloomberg Terminal. By Nathaniel Bullard Bloomberg New Energy Finance has just published its fourth annual New Energy Outlook, a comprehensive forecast of the power industry from now to 2040. And every year, it is full of wonders. First among them for 2017 is an extraordinary showing for solar energy […]

June 18 2017

Taiwan Lays Plans for $59 Billion in Renewable-Energy Finance

New energy, meet new finance. That’s the thinking of Taiwan’s government, which is starting to map out funding plans for a power system that can no longer rely on nuclear reactors. Prime Minister Lin Chuan’s administration aims to increase the share of renewable energy such as water, wind and solar to 20 percent of total […]

June 16 2017

Japan to Increase Coal Reliance Despite Solar Boost, BNEF Says

Don’t count coal out just yet in Japan. Despite expectations that solar will triple its share of Japan’s power generation mix, the resource-poor country is set to increase its reliance on coal, casting doubt on whether Japan can meet the timetable to reduce greenhouse gas emissions it agreed to in 2015 as part of the […]

June 15 2017

Nevada Lures Tesla Back With Credits for Rooftop Solar Power

Nevada is boosting credits for solar power from rooftop panels in a move to revive the industry in the state and bring back sales from Tesla Inc.’s SolarCity and other installers. Governor Brian Sandoval signed a bill that will allow owners of solar panels to get 95 percent of the retail electricity rate for excess […]


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