May 19 2021

The EU and Border Adjustments – Net Zero Meets Zero-Sum

The European Union’s answer to the free-rider problem is taking shape. The bloc proposes to extend CO2 pricing to imports by 2023 through a carbon border adjustment.

May 11 2021

Latin America Set for Record Wind, Solar Expansion in 2021

New wind and solar additions will roar back across Latin America this year, following a tough 2020. BloombergNEF expects new installations to exceed 10 gigawatts (GW) for the first time.

May 5 2021

‘Green’ Hydrogen to Outcompete ‘Blue’ Everywhere by 2030

'Blue' hydrogen production facilities -- those that use fossil fuels with carbon capture and storage (CCS) -- may be cost-competitive for only a limited period of time.

May 5 2021

Direct Air Capture of CO2 to Increase 150-Fold By 2024

The major direct air capture (DAC) players, Carbon Engineering, Climeworks and Global Thermostat, plan to scale their technologies in the next five years, but each one will take a slightly different route.

April 27 2021

Sustainable Jet Fuels Need High Carbon Price to Compete

Sustainable aviation fuels, or SAFs, are the only commercialized solution to decarbonize the aviation sector in the near-term, according to our BloombergNEF.

April 27 2021

Plastic Recycling Becomes Attractive as Scrap Prices Fall

Falling scrap PET prices have made recycling increasingly attractive in the U.S., according to BNEF analysis.

April 21 2021

Four Ways to Compare Countries’ Climate Commitments

World leaders will gather virtually April 22-23 at a summit to discuss boosting their climate pledges. As host, the U.S. is expected to set an example by announcing its 2030 emission target and other governments are expected to follow suit.

April 15 2021

EV Charging Data Shows Widely Divergent Global Path

China, anticipating rising EV demand, is making huge investments in infrastructure.

April 15 2021

Solar Power to Retain Lead in South Korea’s Green Plans

Solar projects are driving renewable energy investments in South Korea.

March 31 2021

Energy Storage to Steal $277B From Power Grids by 2050

Battery storage projects are becoming more competitive in relation to new power lines due to falling battery costs.


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