November 30 2017

California Is Plenty Green But Iowa Has the Cleanest Power

California may be America’s clean-energy capital, but let’s give Iowa and North Dakota some credit too. Aggressive environmental polices under Governor Jerry Brown have given rise to vast wind and solar farms, allowing California to generate almost one-third of its electricity from renewable sources. Meanwhile, Iowa has one of the nation’s least ambitious clean-energy targets […]

November 30 2017

McCrone: Skeptical About Climate, Clean Energy Skeptics

By Angus McCrone, Chief Editor Bloomberg New Energy Finance If only I were a climate and clean energy skeptic. Then I could stop wasting time worrying about the planet. Even if temperatures rise a little, crop yields would probably go up. Those of us in northern latitudes would spend fewer hours shivering, and waste less […]

November 29 2017

There’s Now a Vessel That Produces Zero Pollution

Cie. Maritime Belge SA has built the first commercial ship that runs on hydrogen and produces zero pollution, taking the world a step closer to cargo without emissions. The Hydroville passenger shuttle can operate on compressed hydrogen as well as regular fuel oil, according to the Belgian company. The ship was recently certified to operate […]

November 29 2017

Flexible Resources Will Be Key to Unlock Renewable Future

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Need for backup capacity to stay the same as sources shift. Variations in demand, supply call for multiple options. Highest weeks for wind and solar output, U.K. 2040 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance  Lowest weeks for wind and solar output, U.K. 2040 […]

November 29 2017

Electric Vehicles Could Displace 8 Million Barrels of Oil Per Day by 2040

An energy transition is underway. Solar and wind are being added in ever-greater numbers. Electric vehicles are becoming more commonplace. Meanwhile, policy makers are grappling with the right mix of policies to pay for it all. Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s conference on the future of energy in Asia assembled industry executives, policy makers and bankers […]

November 29 2017

Solar’s Tumbling Costs Start Claiming Victims

Solar auctions are having their intended effect: Prices for developers are tumbling across Asia. While that’s good news for consumers, solar companies might have to reconsider the economics of projects already under way. That was the message from the world’s biggest solar panel maker, Trina Solar Ltd., during the second and final day of Bloomberg […]

November 28 2017

The Way Asia Pays for Clean Energy Is Being Upended

China’s electricity price on a solar deal for Inner Mongolia plunged 44 percent last year. In India, prices to supply wind energy dropped to a record low in October. And Japan last week cut its solar-industry support by as much as 28 percent. In all three cases, the government had adopted an auction system to […]

November 28 2017

Accelerating India’s Clean Energy Transition

India is accelerating development of renewable energy projects to provide cheap, reliable and clean energy to its 1.3 billion people. Rooftop solar continues to be the fastest growing sub-sector, and needs to grow faster still to reach the ambitious 40GW target, which presents a $23 billion investment opportunity. Below are the key findings from BNEF’s […]

November 28 2017

Rooftop PV Presents a $23 Billion Opportunity in India

New renewable energy projects will exceed fossil fuel build-out for the first time in 2017, and in the years thereafter London, Washington D.C. and Shanghai, November 28, 2017 – India will need to invest $23 billion over the next five years to meet its target for 2022 of 40GW of rooftop photovoltaics, according to a […]

November 28 2017

Climatescope: Solar Capacity Jumps by More Than Half in Developing Nations

Despite a down year for clean energy investment, 2016 photovoltaic capacity deployment scaled new heights in less developed countries: London, Washington D.C. and Shanghai, November 28, 2017 – New solar-powered generating capacity is growing at a crackling pace in emerging markets. The growth is fuelled by low-priced equipment and innovative new applications that are […]


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