August 17 2017

GE and Tesla to Outfit 50 Home Depot Stores With Solar Panels

General Electric Co.’s Current unit and Tesla Inc. will install solar systems on 50 Home Depot Inc. stores and sell the power output to the retailer. The solar rooftops will generate enough electricity to reduce each store’s demand from local utility grids by about one third, Atlanta-based Home Depot said in a statement Thursday. It’s […]

August 17 2017

An Eclipse Is Just What the U.S. Power Sector’s Been Waiting For

By Naureen S. Malik, Chris Marin and Mark Chediak Solar Eclipse Casts Shadow on U.S. Energy Prices Source: Bloomberg Turns out the solar eclipse, set to plunge parts of the U.S. into total darkness on Monday, will offer exactly what the power sector’s been looking for: a completely predictable stage for experiments. It’s not often […]

August 16 2017

Tesla Skipping Green Bond Label Keeps Fledgling Market Limited

By Emily Chasan Investors are hungrier than ever for green bonds, yet companies known for their sustainable prowess — including Tesla Inc. — are choosing to sit out, raising questions about just how valuable the label is. U.S. non-financial companies have been among the slowest to embrace green bonds — debt that’s designated to only finance […]

August 16 2017

The Energy Market’s Facts Of Life

By Liam Denning Realists will tell you that what counts are facts on the ground. But sometimes half-formed facts on the ground can be just as important. A clutch of these have materialized in the U.S. power sector of late. Southern Co. several weeks ago suspended work on what was supposed to be a pioneering plant […]

August 16 2017

German Onshore Wind Power Costs Plummet in Second Auction

By Brian Parkin The cost electricity from the next bunch of onshore wind farms in Germany fell by a quarter in a government auction for power purchase contracts run by the regulator Bnetza. Bidders dominated by citizen groups won about 1 gigawatt of capacity at an average price of 4.28 euro cents per kilowatt-hour (5.03 […]

August 15 2017

Bullard: The Way to Power the Next Billion Consumers

This article first appeared on Bloomberg View and the Bloomberg Terminal. By Nathaniel Bullard More than a billion people worldwide live without reliable access to electricity. Providing them with power will require hundreds of billions of dollars of investment, vast deployment of technology, and adaptable business and financial market strategies. Much of the job can be done with […]

August 15 2017

Big Oil Follows Silicon Valley Into Backing Green Energy Firms

By Anna Hirtenstein Major oil companies are joining Silicon Valley in backing energy-technology start-ups, a signal that that those with the deepest pockets in the industry are casting around for a new strategy. From Royal Dutch Shell Plc to Total SA and Exxon Mobil Corp., the biggest investor-owned oil companies are dribbling money into ventures […]

August 15 2017

Kuwait Plans Tender for $1.2 Billion Solar Project in 2018

By Fiona MacDonald Kuwait will issue a tender to build the estimated $1.2 billion Dibdibah solar-power plant in the first quarter of 2018 as part of the country’s plans to produce 15 percent of power from renewable energy by 2030. OPEC’s fifth-biggest oil producer set a Sept. 7 deadline for companies to express interest in […]

August 15 2017

First Solar to Profit If Trump Slaps Tariffs on Panel Imports

By Chris Martin First Solar Inc. is standing on the sidelines of a trade dispute that could give its products a significant leg up. The U.S. International Trade Commission has scheduled a hearing Tuesday on a request by Suniva Inc. for the U.S. to impose tariffs on imported solar panels. The petition alleges China, which accounts […]

August 15 2017

How Elon Musk and Cheap Oil Doomed Push for Natural Gas Cars

By Patrick Martin The idea was nothing short of revolutionary: convert the nation’s millions of trucks, buses and other commercial vehicles to run on natural gas instead of gasoline and diesel. Back in 2008, the proposal by energy magnate T. Boone Pickens had some appeal. U.S. oil production was plunging, and the world’s biggest fuel-consuming […]


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