(Bloomberg) — More frequent natural disasters such as
floods, storms, and heat waves are linked to greater extremes in
temperatures and rainfall, according to a study by the Asian
Development Bank.
“Climate hazards are becoming more menacing, which presents
the most tangible reason to confront climate change as part of a
development strategy,” the authors said in the study.
Should carbon dioxide concentrations continue to rise by
the current annual rate of 0.5 percent, the frequency of floods
and storms would double in 17 years, according to a statement by
the ADB.
Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand would be hit hard
by any further increases in CO2, according to the statement.
“Policy makers and economic advisers have long held the
view that climate action is a drain on economic growth”, Vinod
Thomas, one of the authors, said in the statement. “But the
reality is the opposite: the vast damage from climate-related
disasters is an increasing obstacle to economic growth and well-being”.
To contact the reporter on this story:
Chisaki Watanabe in Tokyo at cwatanabe5@bloomberg.net
To contact the editors responsible for this story:
Reed Landberg at landberg@bloomberg.net
Iain Wilson, Abhay Singh