Dec. 5 (Bloomberg) — Aqua America Inc., the second-largest
publicly traded U.S. water company, is expanding wastewater
service in Indiana as part of a public-private partnership with
the city of Fort Wayne.
The Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania-based company also said it’s
completed the sale of drinking-water assets to Fort Wayne for
$67 million, according to an e-mailed statement. The utility
said the sale by its Indiana subsidiary provides Aqua America
with $50.1 million in cash to invest in infrastructure, with the
gain on the sale to be reported in fourth-quarter results.
Aqua Indiana, which will continue providing wastewater
services in southwest Allen County, will begin treating 1.5
million gallons daily from city sewers, the equivalent of
serving 10,000 more customers, according to the statement.
To contact the reporter on this story:
Justin Doom in New York at
To contact the editors responsible for this story:
Randall Hackley at