June 22 2017

Amid Critical Blackouts, Pakistan Races to Fix Power Network

Pakistan is racing to bridge its power supply gap before national elections next year after a series of widespread blackouts highlighted the fragility of the network and its negative pull on South Asia’s second largest economy. The country faces a peak supply gap of 8,000 megawatts during the “scorching” summer, above the average 5,000 to […]

June 22 2017

First-of-Its-Kind Clean Coal Plant May Not Burn Coal at All

A first-of-its-kind “clean coal” power plant that utility owner Southern Co. spent years constructing in Mississippi may end up burning no coal at all — and instead just run like a natural gas generator. After years of delays and billions of dollars in cost overruns, Mississippi regulators on Wednesday called on Southern to work up […]

June 21 2017

The U.K. Wants to Lead World in Driverless and Electric Vehicles

The U.K. government plans to invest more than 800 million pounds ($1 billion) in new driverless and zero-emission vehicle technology as it seeks to boost its economy while leaving the European Union. Investment in research and new recharging infrastructure is intended to make Britain a “leader” in electric and autonomous vehicles, Queen Elizabeth II said […]

June 21 2017

London Mayor Seeks Pollution-Free Transport System by 2050

London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan called for the city’s entire transport network to operate with zero greenhouse-gas emissions by the middle of the century under a 3.3 billion-pound ($4.2 billion) a year program aimed at reducing dangerous levels of pollution. Transport for London will gradually expand the city’s planned ultra-low emissions zone so that center of the city […]

June 21 2017

Oil Majors Risk Wasting $2.3 Trillion If Peak Demand Looms

Oil companies risk wasting $2.3 trillion of investments should demand peak in the next decade as the world works toward its goal of limiting global warming, according to a report from Carbon Tracker. Exxon Mobil Corp. is the most exposed oil major with as much as 50 percent of potential spending to 2025 on projects […]

June 21 2017

OPEC’s Loss Is Poland’s Gain as Shale Boom Tames Inflation

North America’s shale industry may be the swing producer in the oil market, but it’s becoming a dominant factor across the Atlantic for eastern Europe’s biggest importer of energy. OPEC’s loss of its pricing power, combined with cost reductions and advances in extraction technologies, have resulted in an “important and irreversible change” for Poland’s $475 billion […]

June 21 2017

NYC Weatherman Quits TV to Save Europe From Climate Change

On the afternoon of June 1 in New York, meteorologist Mike Favetta was celebrating his last day working for local 24-hour TV station News 12 at his favorite spot in the Bronx’s vanishing Little Italy. As coworkers toasted his 10-year career, Favetta saw his final segment air on a wall TV. On another, he watched President Donald Trump announce his decision to […]

June 21 2017

Oil Bears Are Back as Prices Fall and Driller Shares Take a Hit

Shale producers risk drowning in their own surplus — again. On Tuesday, oil slid into its first bear market in 10 months, falling 21 percent from its high for the year. The swoon dragged down driller shares amid concern that unceasing production from U.S. shale fields is overwhelming OPEC efforts to ease a global supply […]

June 21 2017

Why Britain Has to Be Really Nice to Norway and Russia

Already buffeted by political chaos at home and abroad, the U.K. gas market must now operate without its biggest stabilizing force: the giant Rough gas storage facility under the North Sea. The planned permanent shutdown of the Centrica Plc site, able to meet 10 percent of peak demand in winter, means Britain is becoming even […]

June 20 2017

Trump Power Study Riles Trade Groups Before It’s Released

Critics aren’t waiting for opening night to pan a Trump administration study on the U.S. power grid they believe will demonize renewable energy while promoting coal and nuclear generation. The report, ordered up by Energy Secretary Rick Perry and expected this month, will examine whether policies that favor wind and solar energy are accelerating the […]


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