June 16 2017

Hydrogen for Home Heating Gets A Push in Europe From Panasonic

Panasonic Corp. will begin selling its residential fuel-cell systems in the U.K. and Austria this year as it seeks to solidify its lead in a product category that some see as a stepping stone to harnessing hydrogen as the fuel of the future. Sales through German partner Viessmann Group will begin in August, Shinsuke Morita, sales […]

June 16 2017

Once a Market Pariah, Tepco Bonds Have Turned to Gold

Six years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster, Tokyo Electric Power Co. Holdings Inc. has gone from being a company that can’t sell debt to one whose bonds are lapped up by investors seeking a bit of extra yield. Tepco Power Grid Inc., a transmission and distribution unit, this week issued notes for the second time since […]

June 16 2017

Japan to Increase Coal Reliance Despite Solar Boost, BNEF Says

Don’t count coal out just yet in Japan. Despite expectations that solar will triple its share of Japan’s power generation mix, the resource-poor country is set to increase its reliance on coal, casting doubt on whether Japan can meet the timetable to reduce greenhouse gas emissions it agreed to in 2015 as part of the […]

June 16 2017

Rotting Garbage Will Light 80,000 Aussie Homes

Australia’s poor recycling track record has an upside. Cleanaway Waste Management Ltd., the nation’s largest garbage company, has the potential to extract enough gas from rotting rubbish to produce electricity for as many as 80,000 homes, according to Chief Executive Officer Vik Bansal. “Twenty years ago, this was all going to waste,” Bansal said in an interview […]

June 15 2017

Nevada Lures Tesla Back With Credits for Rooftop Solar Power

Nevada is boosting credits for solar power from rooftop panels in a move to revive the industry in the state and bring back sales from Tesla Inc.’s SolarCity and other installers. Governor Brian Sandoval signed a bill that will allow owners of solar panels to get 95 percent of the retail electricity rate for excess […]

June 15 2017

Natural Gas Is King of America’s Power Mix, for Now

Natural gas is the king of the U.S. power market – but that may not last. By 2040, renewable energy resources such as wind and solar power will supply just as much of America’s electricity demand as gas, based on a Bloomberg New Energy Finance outlook issued Thursday. And globally, the cost of renewable power is […]

June 15 2017

Coal’s Share of U.S. Power Mix Seen Falling by Half by 2040

Coal’s share in the U.S. power mix is projected to fall in half by 2040, according to a report from Bloomberg New Energy Finance. The fossil fuel — which in 2008 generated half of America’s electricity — will see a steep decline in market share starting in the latter half of the next decade as […]

June 15 2017

China, India Seen as $4 Trillion Opportunity for Energy by 2040

China and India will be the biggest recipients for new investment in power-generating capacity by 2040, representing a $4 trillion opportunity for the energy sector. China will require $2.8 trillion of spending for 2,547 gigawatts of new capacity, while India needs $1.2 trillion, according to a Bloomberg New Energy Finance outlook forecasting how energy markets […]

June 15 2017

Rooftop Solar Boom Set to Spread Worldwide as Costs Plunge

G’day indeed! By 2040, rooftop solar panels will supply about one-quarter of Australia’s electricity as declining costs and ample sunlight make photovoltaics the continent’s cheapest source of energy. In Brazil, as much as 20 percent of the nation’s power will come from panels on residential rooftops, and Germany will get 15 percent from these small […]

June 15 2017

Solar Power Will Kill Coal Faster Than You Think

By Jess Shankleman and Hayley Warren Solar power, once so costly it only made economic sense in spaceships, is becoming cheap enough that it will push coal and even natural-gas plants out of business faster than previously forecast. That’s the conclusion of a Bloomberg New Energy Finance outlook for how fuel and electricity markets will evolve by 2040. […]


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