February 6 2020

Sub-Saharan African Countries Saw Record Spike in Renewables Investment in 2018

Sub-Saharan countries excluding South Africa likely to install 1.2GW of renewables capacity in 2021.

January 28 2020

Corporate Clean Energy Buying Leapt 44% in 2019, Sets New Record

Corporations purchased 19.5 gigawatts of clean power through long-term contracts, dwarfing the previous year’s record, driven by activity in the U.S. and corporate sustainability commitments.

January 16 2020

Late Surge in Offshore Wind Financings Helps 2019 Renewables Investment to Overtake 2018

A string of billion-dollar deals off coasts of mainland China and Taiwan, and in British, French and Dutch waters, made 2019 an all-time high for offshore wind.

January 8 2020

Sustainable Debt Sees Record Issuance At $465Bn in 2019, Up 78% From 2018

A new record was set in 2019 for the volume of sustainable debt issued globally in any one year, with the total hitting $465 billion globally, up a remarkable 78% from $261.4 billion in 2018.

December 4 2019

Assets Providing Flexibility Are Key To Maximizing The Role Of Renewable Energy In Spain And Chile

New reports show how batteries, dynamic electric vehicle charging and interconnectors will have major influence on emissions between now and 2050.

December 3 2019

Battery Pack Prices Fall As Market Ramps Up With Market Average At $156/kWh In 2019

Battery prices, which were above $1,100 per kilowatt-hour in 2010, have fallen 87% in real terms to $156/kWh in 2019. By 2023, average prices will be close to $100/kWh, according to our latest forecast.

November 25 2019

Clean Energy Investment In Developing Nations Slumps As Financing In China Slows

Coal burn surges to a record high in 104 emerging markets tracked in BloombergNEF’s annual Climatescope study.

October 17 2019

Sustainable Debt Joins the Trillion-Dollar Club

Total issuance of sustainable debt has surpassed $1 trillion in a landmark moment for the market, according to new data compiled by BNEF.

October 2 2019

New Green Investment Group Tool Demonstrates the Climate Benefits of Over 40,000 Wind and Solar Assets in Partnership with BloombergNEF (BNEF)

GIG’s Carbon Score tool will use BloombergNEF’s (BNEF) renewable energy project data to assess the positive carbon impact of over 40,000 wind and solar assets Over 60% of wind and solar projects globally will receive a GIG Carbon Score The Carbon Score will provide robust and comparable data to allow measurement of renewables assets’ contribution […]

September 12 2019

Making Sense of the Energy Transition: New Report Provides Framework for Navigating Conflicting Narratives

Report by the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Energy explores gradual and rapid energy transition scenarios, their impact on energy sector incumbents and on reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement.


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