April 17 2015

BNEF Summit selects Finance for Resilience winners

Initiative will support the implementation of four winning ideas for financing clean energy London and New York – Four high-impact innovations to speed up the provision of finance for clean energy in developed and developing countries have been selected as Finance for Resilience (FiRe) winners for 2015, at the leading international conference on the future of […]

April 13 2015

Ten companies chosen as 2015 New Energy Pioneers at 8th annual Bloomberg New Energy Finance Summit in New York City

Companies from around the world recognised as game-changers in the field of clean energy technology and innovation New York, April 13 – Bloomberg New Energy Finance today announced its selection of the 2015 New Energy Pioneers – game-changing innovators who are revolutionizing the energy sector. The diverse group (listed in full below) represents a broad […]

April 10 2015

South Africa stands out in subdued Q1 for clean energy investment

First quarter of 2015 saw the lowest investment for two years, as financiers of large projects and specialist quoted firms paused for breath after busy 2014 London and New York, 10 April – Global investment in clean energy was $50.5bn in the first quarter of 2015, down 15% from Q1 2014, as deal-making slowed in […]

April 9 2015

US power sector emissions poised to fall to two-decade low in transformative year

Annual records for renewable build, coal retirements and gas burn all expected to be broken in 2015 New York, 9 April 2015 – This should prove to be a watershed year for the “de-carbonization” of the US power sector, with record volumes of coal-fired capacity to be shuttered, renewables capacity to be built, and natural […]

March 31 2015

Global trends in renewable energy investment 2015

Report from UNEP-Frankfurt School analyses the 17% rebound in investment last year London and New York, 31 March – Global Trends in Renewable Energy Investment 2015 is the eighth edition of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) report. Based on data from Bloomberg New Energy Finance, it has become the world’s foremost reference document on […]

March 19 2015

Global business and policy leaders set to discuss the transformation of the energy system

Former US Vice President Al Gore to join more than 1,000 industry leaders at Future of Energy Summit 2015 New York, 19 March 2015 – Bloomberg New Energy Finance will welcome more than 1,000 global energy leaders at its upcoming Future of Energy Summit, 13-15 April at the Grand Hyatt in New York. Now in […]

March 17 2015

Finance for Resilience: New ideas chosen by jury to boost clean energy & climate finance

Second edition of Finance for Resilience initiative highlights eight new proposals with significant potential to drive global investment in clean energy London and New York, 17 March 2015 – An independent panel of energy and finance experts has pre-selected eight new ideas with significant potential to accelerate investment in clean energy and climate finance worldwide. […]

March 12 2015

North American utilities and defense show appetite for energy storage and solar

Western states dominate in 2014 clean energy ‘requests for proposals’, with Alliant and the US armed forces featuring prominently New York, 12 March 2015 – A new study out today shows utility companies in North America zeroed in on two sectors last year: advanced energy storage and solar. Analysts at research firm Bloomberg New Energy […]

February 4 2015

Factbook: U.S. trend toward sustainable energy continued in 2014

Prices Fall, Deployment and Investment Rise  WASHINGTON, D.C. – The United States saw continued growth in renewable energy, natural gas and energy efficiency in 2014, according to the third annual Sustainable Energy in America Factbook. The Factbook shows that U.S. deployment of sustainable energy increased as prices continued to fall and that investment in U.S. […]

February 3 2015

Chinese PV shipments surge in Q4 2014 according to BNEF shipment survey

London, 3 February, 2015 – December 2014 was an exceptionally busy month for PV manufacturers in China and Taiwan, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s Solar Shipments Index, suggesting a strong fourth quarter in installations for the region’s PV companies. In the monthly survey of leading PV manufacturers owning over 23GW of module and 24GW […]


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