August 2 2022

Renewable Energy Sector Defies Supply Chain Challenges to Hit a Record First-Half For New Investment

  BloombergNEF reports an 11% year-on-year rise in renewable energy financing in the first half of 2022, for a total of $226 billion   London, August 2, 2022 – Global investment in renewable energy totaled $226 billion in the first half of 2022, setting a new record for the first six months of a year. […]

June 30 2022

Cost of New Renewables Temporarily Rises as Inflation Starts to Bite

  Supply-chain woes push up cost of new-build solar, battery storage and onshore wind, which rises between 4% and 14% from year ago   London and New York, June 30, 2022 – The cost of new-build onshore wind has risen 7% year on year, and fixed-axis solar has jumped 14%, according to the latest analysis […]

June 22 2022

$223bn Investment Needed for India to Meet 2030 Wind and Solar Goals

  Renewables crucial for India to meet its longer-term climate goals   New Delhi, June 22, 2022 – India will require $223 billion of investment in order to meet its goal of wind and solar capacity installations by 2030, according to a new report by research company BloombergNEF (BNEF). The goal is part of the […]

June 1 2022

Net-Zero Road Transport By 2050 Still Possible, As Electric Vehicles Set To Quintuple By 2025

  Last internal combustion vehicle must be sold by 2038 to achieve net-zero global fleet by 2050; urgent policy action key, especially on heavy commercial vehicles finds BNEF   London and New York, June 1, 2022 – The road transport sector can still reach net-zero emissions by 2050 through electrification, but urgent action is required […]

May 24 2022

$759 Billion Required for a Net-Zero Petrochemicals Sector by 2050

  CCS and electrification will decarbonize the key chemicals used across industry   New York and Munich, May 24, 2022 – Petrochemicals could be made with almost no carbon emissions by investing an extra $759 billion by 2050, according to a new report from research firm BloombergNEF (BNEF). Electrification and carbon capture and storage are […]

April 19 2022

BloombergNEF Announces its First Net Zero Summit in Bali Ahead of B20 and G20 Summits

  Net zero-themed Summit to convene 300 global and Indonesian business leaders and investors on November 12, 2022   New York, April 18, 2022 – BloombergNEF (BNEF) will host a special one-off BloombergNEF Summit Bali on November 12, 2022 ahead of the Business 20 (B20) and G20 Summits taking place in Bali, Indonesia, in the […]

April 14 2022

BloombergNEF Announces 12 Climate Innovators as BNEF Pioneers in 2022

New York, April 14th, 2022 – BloombergNEF (BNEF) today announced the twelve winners of its 2022 BNEF Pioneers – early-stage companies that are pursuing significant low-carbon opportunities. The winners’ innovations fill important gaps that address the challenges of generating 24/7 clean power, achieving net-negative carbon-capture, and decarbonizing aviation. Additionally, BNEF selected three wildcard winners. Since […]

April 6 2022

E.ON Leads BNEF Transition Scores for Power Utilities

  Other European majors round out leaderboard while coal drags Asian utilities down   New York, April 6, 2022 – E.ON, Iberdrola and EDF beat other utilities when it comes to managing climate risk and are thus best-poised to take advantage of opportunities arising from the energy transition, according to a new report by research […]

March 29 2022

G-20 Go Big on Climate Vows but Policies at Home Lack Punch

Meaningful domestic efforts to achieve CO2 reductions remain elusive, despite unprecedented commitments to address climate change made pre-COP26   London, March 29, 2022 – No G-20 government has implemented sufficient and concrete policies to match the promises to tackle climate change made at COP26 in Glasgow last year, according to a new report from research […]

March 23 2022

Vestas Leaves Competitors Trailing as Wind Industry Posts Another Record Year of Almost 100 Gigawatts

  Global commissioning of wind turbines reached 99.2GW in 2021, moving ever-closer to a 100-gigawatt year. Offshore wind additions surged 161% year-on-year   London and New York, March 23, 2022 – The wind industry posted another record for new commissioned capacity in 2021, as total additions fell just short of 100 gigawatts for the second […]


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