July 15 2024

US is Set to Expand Global Lead in Capturing Carbon

The US leads the global carbon capture industry. Its capacity is expected to jump sevenfold by 2035, aided by the incentives offered by the Biden administration.

July 15 2024

Texas Power Grid Grapples With Rising System Needs

The Electric Reliability Council of Texas, or Ercot, is facing two major upheavals in the coming years. First, renewable capacity in the region is forecast to rise 120% by the end of the decade. And second, peak system demand could be as high as 152 gigawatts in 2030 by Ercot estimates.

July 9 2024

Tracking the Revival of Plug-In Hybrids

Plug-in hybrid technology is enjoying something of a revival. Plug-in hybrids, or PHEVs, were the fastest-growing drivetrain segment of the global passenger vehicle market over the last five years in percentage terms, ahead of battery-electrics, traditional hybrids and combustion engines.

July 9 2024

Not a Tomorrow Problem: Transition Hits Revenues Today

With the low-carbon transition now underway, incumbent firms face a tough choice: preserve short-term stability by sticking to existing business models or embark on a long capital-intensive transition to play catch-up with early movers.

July 2 2024

Every Third Car Sold in US Could Be Electric by 2027

The slowdown in US electric vehicle sales may be a mere blip as they could make up almost a third of new car sales by 2027, according to BloombergNEF’s latest electric vehicle outlook.

July 1 2024

Tech Radar: Propane Heat Pumps for Homes

As hydrofluorocarbons, a class of chemicals that are good refrigerants but also potent greenhouse gases, are phased down globally, propane heat pumps are carving out a space in the residential heat pump market.

June 27 2024

Corporate Sustainability in the Agri-Food System

The latest from BloombergNEF examines the environmental targets and commitments of 136 firms, exploring their ambition and scope, and compares the various stages of a complex value chain in the food and agriculture sector.

June 26 2024

Industry Decarbonization Market Outlook 1H 2024

This new bi-annual Industrial Decarbonization Market Outlook by BloombergNEF tracks the progress in scaling low-carbon steel, aluminum, petrochemicals and cement.

June 20 2024

Financing Pioneering Green Industry Projects: A Case Study

H2 Green Steel, a Swedish startup with no prior operations, has successfully raised €6.5 billion in project finance for its hydrogen-based steelmaking project in Boden, Sweden. Lessons from this experience could guide future green industry projects.

June 12 2024

1H 2024 Offshore Wind Market Outlook: Course Correct

Offshore wind additions are set to hit a new high in 2024, as several newer markets including the US, France and Taiwan ramp up build.


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