July 19 2023

Sustainability-Linked Bonds Have Long Road to Drive Impact

Sustainability-linked bonds are currently a very small corner of the sustainable debt market, representing just 4% of the $6.4 trillion of issuance to date.

July 12 2023

Brighter US EV Outlook as Flock of Tesla Charging Adopters Grows

Tesla’s deal to share its fast-charging network for electric vehicles with Ford and General Motors could change the game in the US.

July 10 2023

Mother of All Sustainability Reporting Standards Unveiled

The two new frameworks published by the International Sustainability Standards Board mark an important milestone in the quest for global consistency across corporate sustainability disclosures.

July 6 2023

New Biofuel Targets Are the End of the Road for Renewable Diesel

The Biden Administration has announced the amount of biofuel that must be blended into US road fuels for the next three years – and the quotas for renewable diesel fail to keep pace with growing supply. 

July 5 2023

Scorched Texas Sees $1.7 Billion in Power Sales in One Day

Texas power prices are notoriously volatile when the balance between supply and demand is tight.

June 28 2023

New Outlooks for Regional Energy Futures

BloombergNEF’s New Energy Outlook is our company-wide effort to describe future pathways for the global energy economy.

June 26 2023

Green Steel Demand is Rising Faster Than Production Can Ramp Up

Automakers, consumer goods and equipment providers all have targets to decarbonize their supply chain.

June 22 2023

How EVs Will Drive Peak Oil This Decade, in Five Charts

As more people switch from gasoline and diesel guzzlers to electric vehicles, oil consumption for road transport is on track to crest in 2027, according to a report from BloombergNEF.

June 20 2023

Asian Steel Giants Spread Bets on Hydrogen, Carbon Capture

The largest steelmakers in Japan and Korea are aligned on reaching net zero by 2050, but they are plotting very different courses to get there.

June 14 2023

Cobalt Suppliers Up Their Game to Cash In on EV Rush

Indonesia overtook Australia to become the second-largest producer of mined cobalt last year, behind the Democratic Republic of Congo.


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