October 28 2022

Electric Vehicle Demand in China Moves the Global Needle

Few markets are electrifying quite like China, where EVs have gone from less than 1% of light commercial vehicle sales to 10% in just the last two years.

October 26 2022

The US Trifecta of Oil, Gas, and Clean Energy Growth in Five Charts

The approaching US midterm elections could decide whether measures to address climate change are accelerated, stalled or even rolled back.

October 19 2022

Longterm Optimism for Big Hydrogen Investments

Recent policy support is raising optimism and investment prospects among Europe’s hydrogen (H2) developers, but generous US tax credits could hurt in the short run.

October 19 2022

The Key to Success for the COP27 Climate Summit Showdown in Three Charts

As COP27 looks to build on the momentum of its predecessor, here are three charts from BloombergNEF on what to watch out for.

October 14 2022

Ukraine Invasion Revives American Manufacturing, Supply Chain

The impact of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine has disrupted supply chains significantly.

October 12 2022

Introducing the 2023 Pioneers Competition for the world’s best climate-tech innovations

BloombergNEF’s annual Pioneers competition identifies game-changing technologies or innovations with the potential to accelerate global decarbonization.

October 6 2022

Investment Requirements of a Low-Carbon World: Energy Supply Investment Ratios

To better understand potential capital flows up to 2050, BloombergNEF (BNEF) has analyzed International Energy Agency (IEA), Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) long-term scenarios.

October 5 2022

The Future of European Energy Without Russian Gas in Five Charts

The recent damage to the Nord Stream pipelines is yet another twist in the saga of Europe’s energy crisis. Accusations of sabotage flowing freely between Russia and the West stand in stark contrast to the stunted supply of natural gas.

September 27 2022

Coal power spikes, but progress on renewables brings hope

Renewable technologies had a banner year in 2021, both in terms of contributions to global generation and new capacity added.

September 22 2022

The Energy Transition Illustrated, for Policymakers

As part of the annual Clean Energy Ministerial meetings held in Pittsburgh this week, BloombergNEF (BNEF) has released an Energy Transition Factbook to graphically highlight how the world is progressing toward lower-carbon energy sources.


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