September 21 2022

Zero-Emission Vehicles Progress Dashboard

BloombergNEF has published an updated ‘dashboard’ tracking the latest progress on zero-emission vehicles adoption, covering key statistics such as vehicle sales, charging infrastructure deployment and oil demand impacts.

September 16 2022

The Untapped Power of Carbon Markets in Five Charts

More countries are recognizing the value of putting a price on carbon as a means to achieving their climate goals. Close to a fifth of global emissions are now covered by a so-called compliance-based carbon market, up from just 5% a decade ago.

September 5 2022

US States Aiming for 100% Clean Power Total 22

As many as 22 states in the US have a target for 100% renewable energy or 100% carbon-free electricity.  The latter includes any zero-emissions resource such as nuclear and carbon capture plants. State policies complement federal policies in boosting renewables. Over 30 states have Renewable Portfolio Standards — targets set at a state level that […]

August 31 2022

2022 Sustainable Aviation Fuel Outlook

Sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) are one of few low-carbon technologies with the potential to help decarbonize the aviation sector and are the only feasible option in the near term.

August 30 2022

Copper Miners Eye M&A as Clean Energy Drives Supply Gap

Coppers miners are looking to bolster their assets as they recognize the energy transition will drive up demand for the red metal. However, target companies are not giving in easily.

August 30 2022

The Road to Electric Car Supremacy in Five Charts

California’s 2035 ban on the sale of new gasoline-powered vehicles is yet another nail in the coffin for the internal combustion engine. As policy makers step up, automakers shift strategy and consumer appetite grows, the future of our cars is looking increasingly electric. There are risks ahead, namely being able to successfully scale up battery […]

August 17 2022

US Climate Bill Changes the Game for Two Key Sectors

The passage of landmark climate legislation in the US through the Inflation Reduction Act marks a stunning turnaround for climate advocates, policymakers and other stakeholders mere weeks after legislation appeared dead. The bill would inject at least $369 billion into the US clean energy economy – with a good chunk going to the power sector, […]

August 16 2022

The World’s Addiction to Plastic in Five Charts

When it comes to the war on plastic, we aren’t even close to winning it. In the absence of significant intervention, demand for plastic is set to surge over the coming decades. Not only will this result in more greenhouse-gas emissions as plastic manufacturing increases, the build-up of waste will also inhibit the ocean’s ability […]

August 10 2022

The Oil and Gas Industry’s Methane Problem in Four Charts

As the likes of Shell and ExxonMobil continue to generate bumper profits this year, the oil and gas industry’s windfall stands in stark contrast to two crises gripping the world: soaring inflation and climate change. Shareholders are certainly reaping the benefits of the record earnings in the form of buybacks and dividends. But the planet […]

August 8 2022

Sustainable Debt Issuance Dips as Scrutiny Increases

This could be the first year that sustainable debt issuance is not higher than the year before. Nearly $750 billion of sustainable debt instruments — including sustainability-linked bonds, green bonds and green loans — were issued in the first half of 2022. The comparable number last year was $900 billion. Unless there is big spike […]


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