August 5 2022

Europe’s Green Hydrogen Rules Raise Costs for Industry

The European Union (EU) has made clean hydrogen a pillar of both its net-zero target for 2050 and its near-term efforts to get off Russian gas. To enable the scale-up of the industry, the EU released its definition of hydrogen that will qualify as green and the budget for its long-awaited carbon contracts-for-difference scheme. The […]

August 3 2022

Race to Net Zero: Challenge of Greener Aviation in Five Charts

Chaos at airports may be hogging the limelight in the aviation industry right now, but once the disruption subsides, there will still be a pressing and long-term challenge to address: how to cut emissions to help address the climate crisis. Emissions from aviation amounted to 1 gigaton of carbon dioxide in 2019, equivalent to around […]

July 21 2022

Race to Net Zero: The Pressures of the Battery Boom in Five Charts

Drivers around the world are feeling the strain of higher gasoline prices to fill up their cars. But metals could soon become the new oil in the road transport sector, underpinning the batteries that will power the electric vehicle revolution. As demand continues to grow, battery producers and automakers are scrambling to secure access to […]

July 12 2022

EU Says Yes to Stronger Carbon Market and No to Financials

The European Parliament has agreed on the market reforms aimed at strengthening the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) after a divisive first vote earlier this month. The new emissions reduction goal for sectors covered by the ETS is a 63% cut by 2030 from 2005 levels, more ambitious than the 61% curtailment proposed […]

July 8 2022

Canada Could Become the Next Metals Powerhouse

The war in Ukraine has highlighted the risks associated with the supply chain for metals needed for the energy transition.

July 7 2022

Investment Needs of a 1.5°C World

There is uncertainty in the financial, business, and policy making community regarding the level of energy investment.

July 5 2022

Race to Net Zero: The Coming Downfall of Gasoline in Five Charts

Inflation is taking off around the world, and one of the ways consumers are feeling the pinch is at the pump.

July 1 2022

2022 Road Fuel Outlook

Oil-derived fuels have powered this growth and shaped the way people and goods move. The next 30 years will see this upended as new drivetrains, shared mobility and, eventually, autonomous vehicles reshape road transport’s reliance on oil.

July 1 2022

Crop Buyers Call for Greener Farming to Lock Up Carbon

From the vast cropland of Kansas to the bright green fields of eastern China, farmers are being guided in adopting more sustainable farming practices that improve the carbon retention of soil and ultimately support their bottom line.

June 29 2022

Financing India’s 2030 Renewables Ambition

India wants non-fossil fuel power sources to provide half of its electricity supply by 2030. To achieve this target, India needs to massively scale up funding for renewables.


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