July 5 2022

Race to Net Zero: The Coming Downfall of Gasoline in Five Charts

Inflation is taking off around the world, and one of the ways consumers are feeling the pinch is at the pump.

July 1 2022

2022 Road Fuel Outlook

Oil-derived fuels have powered this growth and shaped the way people and goods move. The next 30 years will see this upended as new drivetrains, shared mobility and, eventually, autonomous vehicles reshape road transport’s reliance on oil.

July 1 2022

Crop Buyers Call for Greener Farming to Lock Up Carbon

From the vast cropland of Kansas to the bright green fields of eastern China, farmers are being guided in adopting more sustainable farming practices that improve the carbon retention of soil and ultimately support their bottom line.

June 29 2022

Financing India’s 2030 Renewables Ambition

India wants non-fossil fuel power sources to provide half of its electricity supply by 2030. To achieve this target, India needs to massively scale up funding for renewables.

June 28 2022

The Next Phase of Wind Power Growth in Five Charts

Wind power is expected to play a pivotal role in the quest to achieve net-zero emissions, according to BloombergNEF's research.

June 27 2022

Startup Innovations for Scaling Carbon Removal: BNEF Climate-Technology White Papers

There is an urgent need to scale new climate technology innovations that can deliver equitable, economic and timely decarbonization.

June 24 2022

Decarbonizing Aviation Needs Disruptive Technologies

BloombergNEF expects average fuel efficiency of the global aircraft fleet to continue to improve this decade primarily with existing technologies. In the long term, however, disruptive technologies will be needed.

June 21 2022

Race to Net Zero: The Future of Oil, Gas and Coal in Five Charts

While the world is looking to curb emissions and pivot to cleaner sources of energy, the use of coal, oil and gas won’t disappear overnight.

June 14 2022

Net Zero Could Mean Fewer Cars on Top of Switching to EVs

While adoption of electric vehicles is increasing in markets like Europe and China, consumers will need to dramatically accelerate their shift away from petrol and diesel cars for the global passenger fleet to reach zero tailpipe emissions by 2050.

June 14 2022

Two-Wheelers on a Steeper Path to Zero Emissions by 2050

Two-wheeled vehicles like motorcycles, mopeds and scooters represent the largest segment of road transport, with global sales reaching 82 million in 2021.


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