December 22 2021

Cold Weather to Raise Gas Supply Shortage Fears in Europe

BloombergNEF expects Local Distribution Zone (LDZ) gas demand in its ‘Europe perimeter’ (Northwest Europe, Italy and Austria) to be 6% higher than seasonal normal levels from Dec. 13 to Dec. 26, 2021, based on 14-day weather forecasts.

December 7 2021

Asia Petrochemical Makers Run Worst Losses Since 2013

Asian petrochemical producers have been hit hard by prolonged poor margins. Ethylene margins, the benchmark indicator for profitability in the sector, have been negative for three consecutive months.

November 30 2021

Build Back Better Would Upend U.S. Renewables, Gas Competition

House approval of the Build Back Better Act marks a major victory for the U.S. renewable-energy sector.

November 25 2021

Europe Leads on ESG Policy, But Trend Promising for All

Countries are on the hook more than ever to tackle runaway greenhouse gas emissions and to encourage private sector actors to do the same. Underpinning these emission reductions is the policy suite each nation offers to implement its agenda.

November 22 2021

Shell, Norsk Hydro Top BNEF’s Climate Transition Ranking for Extractive Industries

The net-zero transition could upend certain industries and reshuffle the competitive standing of others. Specifically how this risk will affect company valuations is high on the minds of investors.

November 9 2021

For Any COP26 Climate Goals To Succeed, New Technology Breakthroughs Are Essential

Achieving anything close to an average rise in global temperatures of 1.5 degrees Celsius this century will require not only policy, regulation and financing but also new technology breakthroughs.

November 8 2021

Jet Fuel Demand Plummets as China Culls 23,600 Flights

China has cancelled almost 24,000 flights over the coming 11 weeks since this time last week, as its 'Zero Covid-19' policy once again hits the jet fuel market.

November 4 2021

The Renaissance of Nuclear Power to Accommodate Net-Zero by 2050: New Energy Outlook 2021

BloombergNEF’s Red Scenario, describes a pathway that is dominated by clean power, and smaller, more modular, nuclear is deployed to complement wind, solar and battery technology in the power sector, and so-called red hydrogen is manufactured using nuclear power.

November 3 2021

G-20 Fossil-Fuel Support Hits Nearly $600 Billion in 2020

The Group-of-20 countries have made headlines in recent months with some new pledges to achieve “net-zero” CO2 emissions by 2050 or, in China’s case, by 2060. But back in the here-and-now many of these nations continue to provide major funding for the production and consumption of fossil fuels.

October 28 2021

Cold Winter Spells Disaster for Global Gas Market Dynamics

Asia’s biggest markets for liquefied natural gas, or LNG, are ready for a normal winter, Europe is not. A colder-than-normal winter could see gas prices climb higher and extend the rally in the two regions until next winter.


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