February 26 2018

Powering Last-Mile Connectivity

More than 4 billion people are not connected to the internet today, representing a huge opportunity for both development and business. Bridging the ‘digital divide’ for these un-networked billions requires affordable and reliable access to electricity. Power is a crucial element at all stages of providing internet access: from running backhaul services to the core […]

February 19 2018

Waymo Zooms Ahead in California Autonomous Vehicle Testing

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Unit of Alphabet accounts for 85% of reported miles driven GM increased testing more than 10-fold from 2016 to 2017 Autonomous miles driven on public roads in California  Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, California Department of Motor Vehicles. Note: Data through November 30, 2017.  Alphabet – via […]

February 12 2018

Tesla Australian Virtual Power Plant Cheaper Than U.S. PV

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Solar-plus-storage project costed at $2.51 per watt U.S. households continue to pay over $3 per watt for solar How the Tesla virtual power plant could work Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Note: This schematic applies the first two phases of the program only and reflects […]

February 6 2018

Don’t Like Trump’s Solar Tariffs? Try Working Around Them

The new U.S. tariffs on importing solar cells and modules aren’t expected to have a major effect. Any changes they do bring about will be further weakened if manufacturers try a few workarounds identified in a new Bloomberg New Energy Finance report. Clients can access the full ‘Five Loopholes in Trump’s Solar Tariff Ruling’ report on […]

February 5 2018

GE, Shell Drive Frontier Solar to New Heights

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. $819 million raised by pay-as-you-go solar start-ups Sustainable financing structures are work in progress Funding rounds announced by pay-go solar companies  Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Selling solar electricity kits to frontier-market households is turning from a philanthropic activity into a VC-backed industry that uses micro-finance, […]

January 29 2018

Digitalization Could Provide $38 Billion in Benefits to Energy

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Smart meters to realize $18 billion in value in 2025 Value of digital flexibility shows most growth potential Annual value of the benefits of digitalization to utilities, consumers  Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Note: DR is demand response, O&M is operations and maintenance, HEMS is […]

January 22 2018

EU Nations’ Coal-Exit Plans in 2018 to Benefit Renewables

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Seven European Union countries have announced coal exits U.K. has released phase-out plan, others expected this year EU countries’ coal power strategies  Source: BNEF Several big European economies are expected to release concrete plans in 2018 on how they will tackle legacy […]

January 16 2018

State of Clean Energy Investment

January 16 2018

2017 League Tables: Clean Energy & Energy Smart Technologies

Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF) Clean Energy & Energy Smart Technology League Tables are the most transparent and comprehensive benchmarks for identifying active clean energy investors, project financiers, investment banks and law firms. The tables in this report cover deals across asset finance, M&A, venture capital / private equity and public markets that have been […]

January 11 2018

U.S. Energy Companies Prepare for Decentralized Grid

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Investment in behind-the-meter companies is growing rapidly Half of all investment by energy companies in 1H 2017 directed toward behind-the-meter specialists U.S. utility holding company behind-the-meter investment  Source: BNEF Some of the largest U.S. energy companies are betting on a distributed future. […]


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