January 9 2018

Didi and Softbank Cement Their Positions In Ride-Hailing

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Didi has raised $4 billion for R&D, international expansions Softbank and Didi have backed most of the global leaders Softbank and Didi’s investments in digital hailing (value of funding round) Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance, CB Insights. Notes: Total value of the […]

January 9 2018

Nissan Launches Electric Vehicle Car-Sharing Program

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Nissan is the latest carmaker ramping up sharing activity More automakers are developing carsharing programs in-house Carsharing and automaker alliances in APAC by automaker country Source: BNEF On Dec. 8, Nissan Motor Corp. launched a new fleet-based car sharing program called e-Share […]

January 8 2018

Global Offshore Wind Market Set to Grow Sixfold by 2030

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. China to overtake U.K. and lead installations by 2022 BNEF increases U.S. forecast by 85% on new state targets Global offshore wind cumulative installation forecast  Source: BNEF The global offshore wind market is set to grow at a 16 percent compound annual […]

January 4 2018

China’s Rooftop Solar to Boom In 2018 With Deregulation

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Rooftop solar installations to reach 24 gigawatts in 2018 Rooftop solar 20% cheaper than regulated retail power China’s distributed solar, wind, gas generation capacity poised to grow Source: BNEF As part of ongoing electricity market deregulation, distribution-grid-connected (DGC) generators will be allowed […]

December 27 2017

Uber Ruling Is Part of a Trend To Regulate Ride Hailing

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. EU ruling requires Uber drivers to hold appropriate license Ride hailing providers face more scrutiny globally Snapshot of global ride hailing regulations  On 20 December, the European Court of Justice declared Uber Technologies Inc to be a transport company. Uber will now be […]

December 18 2017

Lithium Price Spike Has Moderate Effect on Batteries

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Doubling lithium prices could increase battery prices by 8% However, increasing material energy density could compensate Sensitivity of battery pack prices to key commodities Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance. Note: We assume a pack cost of $209/kWh and an NMC (111) chemistry. […]

December 11 2017

Applications for Blockchain Grow in Energy, Transport

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Blockchain provides security, privacy, trust, automation Uses include power trading, machine commands, EV charging How blockchain works Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Blockchain is a network of distributed nodes — humans and machines — participating in peer-to-peer transactions. Data from these transactions […]

November 29 2017

Flexible Resources Will Be Key to Unlock Renewable Future

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Need for backup capacity to stay the same as sources shift. Variations in demand, supply call for multiple options. Highest weeks for wind and solar output, U.K. 2040 Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance  Lowest weeks for wind and solar output, U.K. 2040 […]

November 28 2017

Accelerating India’s Clean Energy Transition

India is accelerating development of renewable energy projects to provide cheap, reliable and clean energy to its 1.3 billion people. Rooftop solar continues to be the fastest growing sub-sector, and needs to grow faster still to reach the ambitious 40GW target, which presents a $23 billion investment opportunity. Below are the key findings from BNEF’s […]

November 23 2017

Modelling of Australia’s National Energy Guarantee

The Turnbull Government’s National Energy Guarantee could deliver reliable, low-emissions electricity supply for Australia’s National Electricity Market. But the outlook for renewable energy depends squarely on the ambition of the emission reduction target. The government’s -28% by 2030 target could decimate large-scale wind and solar construction, whilst Labor’s -45% (2-degree pathway) would continue the current […]


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