June 26 2017

NEO 2017: Presentation at CSIS

On Wednesday 21 June, New Energy Outlook (NEO) lead authors Seb Henbest and Elena Giannakopoulou presented on the NEO 2017 findings at the Center for Strategic & International Studies’ (CSIS) Headquarters in Washington DC, followed by a Q&A and discussion hosted by Sarah Ladislaw, Director and Senior Fellow at CSIS.   View recording

June 23 2017

Electric Cars to Reach Price Parity by 2025

Falling battery costs set to reshape the auto industry Profit difficult in next three years, except for luxury cars U.S. medium segment vehicle price estimates Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Note: Estimated pre-tax retail prices Automakers planning to sell electric cars between now and 2020 will struggle to make a profit, as electric vehicles will […]

June 19 2017

Rapid Growth in Data Centers a Boon for Lithium Batteries

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Data centers now rely on lead-based batteries for back-up BNEF estimates lithium will capture 33% market share by 2025 Annual data center lithium-ion penetration in North America and Europe, 2016-25 (GWh) Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Data centers are the major purchasers of lead-based […]

June 15 2017

New Energy Outlook 2017

June 12 2017

Utilities See Value in Storage Alongside PV, and Will Pay

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Hawaii co-operative turns to storage to integrate renewables Solar plus storage PPAs are falling but system setups vary Solar plus storage levelized costs of electricity (LCOEs), with varying solar to storage power output ratios Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Note: These all assume 30% […]

June 6 2017

Mother Nature’s Merit Order: Fuel Economics Trump Policy

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Carbon emissions are a factor for every U.S. power generator Coal-to-gas switch mitigates more CO2 than gas-to-renewables U.S. power generators ranked by emissions factor (tCO2e/MWh) Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Economics, not policy, has been the most potent force in decarbonizing U.S. […]

May 31 2017

How Much Oil Are EVs Displacing?

EV’s influence on global gasoline and diesel consumption is small but is increasing quickly. This short presentation aims to show BNEF’s assessment of the fossil fuel displacement caused directly by EVs sold globally from 2011 to 2016. Fuel displaced by EVs on the road (thousand barrels per day) Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Global sales […]

May 26 2017

Climatescope Off-Grid Market Update

Climatescope tracks the conditions for clean energy investment on and off the grid, and provides a wealth of publicly-available information on 58 emerging markets in Africa, Asia and Latin America & the Caribbean. The site has attracted tens of thousands of visitors since the re-launch in December 2016, tracking the energy transition in emerging markets. We […]

May 22 2017

Storage Software Expertise Attracts Covetous Looks

This article first appeared on the BNEF mobile app and the Bloomberg Terminal. Oil majors, industrials and utilities investing in storage Few standalone storage software providers remain Energy storage competitive landscape Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance Note: selected sample of players On May 15, Finland-based power generation and marine propulsion company Wartsila acquired Greensmith Energy […]

May 15 2017

Women in Clean Energy, Middle East and North Africa Survey 2017

The Clean Energy Business Council, the International Renewable Energy Agency and Bloomberg New Energy Finance have gathered baseline data on challenges faced by women in the clean energy sector in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Findings from the survey suggest key actions to attract more women and draw from a more diverse talent […]


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