December 14 2016

Climatescope: Mapping the global frontiers for clean energy investment

November 21 2016

UK Energy Efficiency Trends – November 2016

Energy Efficiency Trends is a quarterly report focused on the UK market, providing insight into non-residential energy efficiency. This edition examines consumer and supplier activities and trends in the third quarter of 2016. The report also contains a special feature on innovation in energy efficiency. Over the time period that we have been conducting this […]

November 15 2016

Corporate Renewable Energy Procurement Monthly – November

This is the third issue of Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s monthly analysis of corporate renewable energy procurement. This series will highlight recent contracts signed between renewable energy asset owners and corporate off-takers, relevant policies and power market changes from around the world, and include interviews with key players. We will also include data on contract volumes, power […]

November 1 2016

Financing India’s clean energy transition

India’s energy system faces the triple challenge of meeting growing demand, cutting pollution and offering more than 300m people not connected to the power grid access to modern energy. The government has set the target of building 175GW of renewable energy by 2022, primarily solar and wind, and mandated the rapid electrification of more than […]

October 19 2016

Corporate Renewable Energy Procurement Monthly – October

This is the second issue of Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s monthly analysis of corporate renewable energy procurement. This series will highlight recent contracts signed between renewable energy asset owners and corporate off-takers, relevant policies and power market changes from around the world, and include interviews with key players. We will also include data on contract volumes, power […]

October 11 2016

An Integrated Perspective on the Future of Mobility

To view a city from above is to observe a world in motion. Trains carry people to and from work; taxis circulate in abstract patterns; trucks deliver goods and carry away garbage; pedestrians hustle down city blocks; cyclists zip through traffic. Mobility is the lifeblood of our cities and essential for urban life. What, then, […]

October 11 2016

Liebreich State of the Industry Keynote EMEA Summit 2016

Always one of our most-watched presentations, BNEF’s Chairman of the Advisory Board, Michael Liebreich gives his energy outlook for 2016 and beyond. Download the slides below. View full keynote.   Download the slides.

October 10 2016

Clean energy investment – Q3 2016 fact pack

Summer lull in Europe, Asia slowdown make for weak clean energy investment in third quarter Highlights of Q3 included two $1bn early-stage financings for Chinese electric vehicle companies. See the related press release here. Contents: 1. Clean energy coverage and definitions 2. Annual clean energy investment overview 3. Quarterly trends in clean energy: new investment […]

October 7 2016

How can pay-as-you-go solar be financed?

This white paper was developed by Bloomberg New Energy Finance in partnership with:       Pay-as-you-go solar companies are the start-up community’s proposed answer to the challenge of 1.2bn people living outside the reach of the electricity grid. To scale, they need debt capital. Lots of it. Some operators are creating structured finance products […]

September 19 2016

Corporate Renewable Energy Procurement Monthly – First edition

Google added 236 megawatts to its European renewable energy portfolio on June 30, making it the largest procurer of renewables through so-called power-purchase agreements in the region. The company cemented its leadership in a trend that has been growing since about 2013, when generous and abundant public subsidies in much of Europe began to be […]


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