December 1 2023

Mobilizing Capital in and to Emerging Markets

In 2022, some 75% of new power generation capacity added in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs), excluding China[1], was low-carbon. Energy transition investment in these markets reached a new record of $85 billion, up 10% from 2021. However, low-carbon investment in and to EMDEs continues to fall significantly short of what is required to […]

November 29 2023

Global PV Market Outlook, 4Q 2023

As 2023 draws to a close, the solar industry is installing record volumes worldwide and selling at record-low prices.

November 27 2023

What the Home Battery Market Needs to Scale

Globally, a rapid expected scale-up in renewable energy will require power storage to balance daily fluctuations in output from solar and wind generation.

November 21 2023

China’s Contributions to Latin America’s Push to Net Zero

The shared ambitions of Latin American nations to foster higher-value economic activities and expedite their transition toward a net-zero energy future have enhanced the growing appeal of the region to businesses.

November 21 2023

Tesla’s Grip on US Looks Secure With Rivals Many Rungs Down

Tesla may be going through a tough patch, but there is no challenger in sight in its home market yet.

November 20 2023

Greener Heavy Industry Is Possible, But Only With Smart Policy Support

Global supply and demand for green industrial products – such as net-zero steel, cement and fertilizers – will be crucial to delivering on international climate targets.

November 17 2023

Coal Declines Amid Solar Boom in South Africa, in Five Charts

South Africa’s coal-heavy power system will transform rapidly even in an economics-led scenario, new BNEF modelling finds.

November 14 2023

Hydrogen offtake is tiny but growing

Many companies have plans to make hydrogen, but many fewer are enthusiastic to buy it.

November 9 2023

CCUS Market Outlook 2023: Announced Capacity Soars by 50%

Carbon capture capacity continues to expand – and spread to more markets – in 2023.

November 8 2023

COP28 Is the First Real Test of the Paris Climate Deal

More effort is needed: that’s likely to be the conclusion of the first “stocktake” on global progress toward the Paris Agreement’s goals.


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