Nov. 12 (Bloomberg) — Pattern Energy Group Inc. is buying
a Texas wind farm from affiliated Pattern Energy Group LP for
$123.8 million.
With the acquisition of the 182-megawatt project in Carson
County, Pattern now owns 11 wind farms with a total capacity of
almost 1.5 gigawatts, including the adjacent 172-megawatt
Panhandle 1 project bought earlier this year, according to a
statement today. Terms weren’t disclosed.
Panhandle 2 uses 79 2.3-megawatt Siemens AG turbines. The
wind farm is contracted to sell about 80 percent of its output
to an affiliate of Morgan Stanley as a longterm price hedge,
with the balance selling at spot-market prices.
To contact the reporter on this story:
Justin Doom in New York at
To contact the editors responsible for this story:
Reed Landberg at
Alex Devine