Sept. 30 (Bloomberg) — Solarpack Corp. Tecnologica, the
Spanish solar-energy developer, started operating a 25-megawatt
solar plant in Chile’s northern region.
The Pozo Almonte Solar farm in Tarapaca, Chile, will supply
energy to mining company Dona Ines de Collahuasi, Solarpack said
in a statement yesterday.
“We are the first solar plant of its size to provide
energy into Chile’s northern interconnected system,” Solarpack
Chief Executive Officer Pablo Burgos said in the statement.
In 2012, the company began operating Chile’s first
industrial solar photovoltaic plant, the Calama Solar 3, which
supplies energy to a Coldelco mine. It is currently building a
19-megawatt plant in Peru, which will start operating before
year-end, according to the statement.
Officials at Solarpack’s press office didn’t immediately
respond to phone and e-mailed requests for comment.
To contact the reporter on this story:
Vanessa Dezem in Sao Paulo at
To contact the editors responsible for this story:
Reed Landberg at
Robin Saponar, Steven Frank