(Bloomberg) — Toshiba Corp. will work with Tanzania
Geothermal Development Co. to promote geothermal power
generation and human resources development in the African
The two companies have concluded a memorandum of
understanding, Toshiba said in a statement Tuesday. Tanzania
Geothermal Development is the sole organization with geothermal
exploitation rights in Tanzania, and is a developer and builder
of geothermal power plants.
Tanzania has the third-largest geothermal resources in
Africa, though the country relies on hydro and fossil fuels for
about 97 percent of its power supply, according to the
statement. The country plans to increase its total power
generation capacity to 10,000 megawatts by 2025 from 1,577
megawatts, Toshiba said.
Toshiba has supplied 52 geothermal turbine generators
globally, including North America, Southeast Asia and Kenya, the
Tokyo-based company said. Their total power generation capacity
is about 3,400 megawatts, representing the world’s biggest share
in geothermal electricity generation at 26 percent, according to
the statement.
To contact the reporter on this story:
Chisaki Watanabe in Tokyo at cwatanabe5@bloomberg.net
To contact the editors responsible for this story:
Reed Landberg at landberg@bloomberg.net
Iain Wilson, Indranil Ghosh