December 17 2014

Lima COP20: Call for action falls short

COP20 in Lima was supposed to tee up the finalisation of a new global climate framework in Paris at end-2015. So can the talks be judged a success? BNEF’s Carbon analysts Andrea Du Rietz and Richard Chatterton examine the outcome from Lima COP, and we give their perspective on the road ahead to Paris.

December 16 2014

How will technology shape the future of energy?

Dec. 16 (Bloomberg) — Technology plays an increasingly important role in our everyday lives. Bloomberg’s John Dawson takes a look at how it has shaped the energy industry and how it can combat the challenge of climate change in a lively discussion in Kuala Lumpur. Panelists include Michael Cooper, Head of Infrastructure for Asia-Pacific at […]

December 12 2014

What got accomplished in Lima? Well, let’s wait for Paris.

Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s Michel Di Capua discusses the United Nations climate change talks in Lima, Peru on “Bloomberg Surveillance” with Tom Keene. The takeaway: the big stuff will happen next year in Paris. (Source: Bloomberg)

December 8 2014

Is ocean power more trouble than it’s worth?

Dec. 8 (Bloomberg) — Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s Chief Editor Angus McCrone discusses the reasons behind the difficulties tidal and wave marine energy businesses are facing, on the “The Pulse.”

December 5 2014

Implications of low oil prices on renewable energy

Dec. 5 (Bloomberg) –- Bloomberg New Energy Finance Advisory Board Chairman Michael Liebreich discusses the implications low oil prices have on renewable energy with Bloomberg’s Angie Lau and Rishaad Salamat on “Asia Edge.”

November 27 2014

EU renewables subsidies – cost in decline?

BNEF’s Head of European Policy Anna Czajkowska has a look at the impact of renewables subsidies in the European Union, and specifically at how their cost is likely to evolve in two countries, Germany and the UK, between now and 2030.

November 27 2014

The battle for the connected home

BNEF Energy Smart Technologies Analyst Colin McKerracher explores the battle for the connected home: what are consumers experiencing, how are technologies and gadgets evolving, what policies are influencing the battle? Watch here:

November 26 2014

Renewables versus coal in Turkey’s energy future

The government of Turkey could achieve its aims of expanding electricity supply to meet the needs of a growing economy, and reducing dependence on imported natural gas, without adopting the coal-led strategy laid out in its official plans, analysis from BNEF shows. In this video, Angus McCrone and Janis Hoberg present the findings. To download […]

November 14 2014

Is the U.S.-China emissions deal just a lot of hot air?

Nov. 14 (Bloomberg) — Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s Justin Wu and Nathaniel Bullard discuss the carbon emissions deal between the U.S. and China. They speak with Bloomberg’s Yvonne Man on “First Up.”

November 12 2014

‘Major milestone’ achieved in US – China agreement

Nov. 12 (Bloomberg) — Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s Nathaniel Bullard reports on the first carbon emissions agreement between China and the United States. From Bloomberg Television’s “The Pulse.”


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