November 7 2014

APEC Summit – How China cleared the air

Nov. 7 (Bloomberg) – China has been taking drastic action to present a clean image as world leaders fly to Beijing for the APEC Summit. Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s Nathaniel Bullard discusses the huge clean up on “First Up.”

October 29 2014

BNEF’s Cuming on 2014 Global Climatescope Scores

Oct. 29 (Bloomberg) — Bloomberg New Energy Finance Editor Victoria Cuming reports on the 2014 Global Climatescope Scores, rating emerging market nations’ clean energy investment climate. She speaks with Francine Lacqua on Bloomberg Television’s “The Pulse.”

October 29 2014

Climatescope – CBC’s ‘The Exchange with Amanda Lang’

A new report says emerging markets are tapping renewable energy sources at twice the pace of developed countries. What does that mean for Canada? Amanda Lang from CBC weighs in, and talks to Ethan Zindler of Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

October 28 2014

Climatescope 2014 – Spanish version

Un reportaje importante de Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF): Climatescope 2014 está ahora publicado y disponible online de forma gratuita. El conjunto de los datos es el resumen más claro sobre la inversión en energía limpia en 55 países en desarrollo de América Latina, África y Asia. El Departamento para el Desarrollo Internacional (DFID), el […]

October 28 2014

Climatescope 2014 – English version

A landmark report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF): Climatescope 2014 is now published and available online for free. The data is the clearest picture yet on what clean energy investment looks like in 55 developing countries in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. The UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Multilateral Investment Fund and […]

October 22 2014

Up For Debate: MP’s Caroline Flint and Ed Davey debate a UK energy price freeze

UP FOR DEBATE: “Energy and a UK Price Freeze” Bloomberg’s first-ever “Up For Debate” last Wednesday showed Labour and the Liberal Democrats do actually agree on a few things: energy bills are too high; new investment is required; and climate change needs addressing. But the issue of a power price freeze – well that’s another […]

October 22 2014

Up For Debate: UK Energy Secretary Ed Davey

In Bloomberg’s first-ever Up For Debate, Ed Davey discussed consumer energy costs and a price freeze. Davey defended his record and said price controls would hurt investment. Shadow energy secretary Caroline Flint told the crowd “There’s not a cat in hell’s chance…” of dropping the issue. “This is our red line, and it’s going to […]

October 9 2014

BEHIND THE NUMBERS – Q3 global clean energy investment

BNEF’s Albert Cheung and Seb Henbest break down the global clean energy investment numbers and discuss how China’s unprecedented $12bn solar investment, the Scottish vote, and Japanese tariffs all affected growth in Q3.

October 8 2014

BNEF’s McCrone on the global clean energy investment surge

Oct. 3 (Bloomberg) — Bloomberg’s Angus McCrone discusses the push for solar energy in China and Japan as global investment in clean energy increases for the first time since 2011. He speaks on “The Pulse.”

October 3 2014

Bullard and Barnett on the future of transportation

In this video we cover the pretty extraordinary developments underway in transportation systems, including autonomous vehicles.


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