Sept. 26 (Bloomberg) — Voltalia SA, a French clean-energy
producer, started operating its first wind power complex in
The first 3 megawatts of power from the Areia Branca
project in the northeastern state of Rio Grande do Norte are
online, the Neuilly-Sur-Seine-based company said in an e-mailed
statement today. Voltalia said it expects to reach 90 megawatts
of output by year end.
Construction started in August 2013 and Spanish turbine
maker Acciona SA supplied equipment for the project. In May,
Voltalia got a 309.4 million-reais ($128.1 million) loan for the
project from the Brazilian Development Bank.
The company is also building the 108-megawatt Sao Miguel do
Gostoso wind complex, expected to start in the second half of
next year, and the 93-megawatt Vamcruz project, which may be
operating in the first half of 2016, according to the statement.
To contact the reporter on this story:
Vanessa Dezem in Sao Paulo at
To contact the editors responsible for this story:
Reed Landberg at
Tina Davis, Steven Frank